Need help with seat belt

10 April 2001
Austin, TX
Hey guys, got an odd problem here.

While out on the last Austin group drive, my seat belt somehow got twisted (it's happened a couple of times lately). Anyway, after trying a few minutes to get it free, it finally came loose (no fold in the belt).

However, it's 180degrees out of sync now; when I put it on, the belt across my waist and my chest are both twisted 180 degrees. It's rather irritating. :rolleyes: Any ideas how I can fix this?

I've tried searching through Prime (and google), but haven't found anything yet...
If this is the case it must be twisted inside the "B" pillar, behind the side cover. You will need to remove the upper rear cover and also the lower covers by the door jamb, to remove the "B" pillar cover (talk to anyone who has installed a harness bar:)). Once that is off, I suspect you will see the twist in the belt.

If your seatbelt is not recoiling properly you should be able to get it replaced under Acuras lifetime seatbelt warranty. There is no adjustment to increase the recoil strength. All Acura vehicles seatbelts and buckles have a lifetime warranty.