Need help with driver door lock

19 April 2001
Ever since I picked up this 2021 last October, I've had issues with the driver side door lock. When I walk back to the locked car, the door handle pops open as it should but, oftentimes, the door will not unlock. Sometimes, I can pull the handle a few times and it will unlock. Most of the time, I have to pull out the fob to lock and then unlock the door.

I finally brought the car to the Acura dealer. I have an NSX trained SA and an NSX trained tech. Fortunately, the SA was able to replicate the issue while I was standing there. The SA said they would run a diagnostics to see if the remote is communicating with the car. I told him that it seems to be communicating since the door handle pops open and that I thought the issue is with the actuator that actually unlocks the door.

After 2 days, the SA texts me to say that they ran the diagnostics and all systems are communicating properly and that there are no failure codes. Their theory is that my PPF is interfering with the communication. I informed him this issue has been going on for months but the PPF was just installed 2 weeks ago. I, again, pointed out that the door handle pops open (that would indicate no issue with communication). His response is that any issues with the lock actuator or keyless access system would store a failure code and he doesn't have any evidence of a failure.

Isn't it possible the locking system is sending/receiving the signal, but since the actual motor in lock actuator is not working, the system is reading everything as normal? What else could be causing this issue? How do I address this with the SA who is basically saying there is nothing they can do?
I just spoke with the SA. He confirmed that:
1. He experienced the issue when I dropped off the car.
2. Since they've had the car, they've experienced the issue intermittently.
3. There are 2 actuators: 1 for the door handle and 2 for the door lock.
4. The key fob proximity causes the handle actuator to open the handle. Touching the handle causes the door lock actuator to unlock the door.

Despite the fact that the door handle pops open, the SA insists that there could be an issue with outside interference causing the fob to not work. I kept asking how that could be the case when the door handle is opening. It seems obvious to me that the issue is with the door lock actuator itself.

I asked what he suggested we do at this point and he said there is nothing he could do. Acura won't pay for any warranty work without a fault code. I asked him if he could contact Acura to tell them that he and the tech have experienced the issue but there are no fault codes and to get Acura to approve further investigation into the matter. He reluctantly agreed to do so.

I'm perplexed that a SA at any dealer would state that they see the problem but there is nothing they can do because there are no fault codes. Am I missing something?
That's absurd to blame the PPF. Most key fobs transmit at 400 MHz or so which will travel right thru vinyl without any issue. I'm guessing the dealer prefers not to to submit warranty claims without a error code because Acura will make them jump thru more hoops in order to collect the money. I'd keep pushing them on the issue and let us know what happens. I'm guessing it's a faulty door handle module since I've read other owners have had problems with these too.
I have the same issue, albeit very infrequently. Curious to hear if this works, I also have the whole car PPF'd
I have the same issue, albeit very infrequently. Curious to hear if this works, I also have the whole car PPF'd
It's highly unlikely that it's related to PPF. I've had this issue for a while but only had the PPF installed a few weeks ago.

I had intermittent issues on previous NSXs but the worst case was having to pull the handle 2 times to get the door to open. On my current NSX, it sometimes won't open without the key fob no matter how many times I pull on the handle. I'll post an update once they replace the handle.