Need help from Austin people!

31 July 2001
Boston, MA
I need to fix my wife up..... no, NOT THAT!!! Here's the deal, Dell is flying us out next week (I'm aiming for Thu arrival, Sun departure). I'm looking at a killer opportunity, but my wife is worried about not having any friends and being lonely. I need to try to arrange it so she meets nice women her age so she's more open to the idea. We're in our late 30s, expecting our first child in Jan/Feb and like music (Rock generally, can't stand country :)). She's very creative with children and art. How about a get together next weekend (as well as Ojas' this weekend :)).

would it help to mention it's my bday on 9/11 while im out there? bad enough that it's on 9/11 as it is!!!!!!!

while im at it (non NSX question)... im dealing with a realtor that's an idiot and isn't answering any questions that don't relate to a specific house. can anyone tell me is there a town like this in the roundrock area? (wife requirements for us to move)

- in an area of "natural beauty"
- dont want to have to look out windows and see into neighbors house
- in a "community" with a downtown area with things like playground, library, post office, breakfast place... something
that feels homey and not just a strip mall feel
- would be nice to live within 30-45 minutes of a city
- you mentioned a lake area, that would be nice
robr said:
... im dealing with a realtor that's an idiot and isn't answering any questions that don't relate to a specific house. /QUOTE]

I can hook you up with the best realtor in Austin if you would like. I have referred him to over a dozen people, all of whom loved him. In fact, I know a couple of people who have bought several houses through him over the past decade.
ok, im back... with questions :). david, played phone tag with your real estate guy, but we never managed to catch each other, thanks for the tip, maybe next time.

we like the lago vista area, but the commute....... oh, the commute....... is there a way to avoid the traffic from lago vista commuting to north austin (specifically the area where parmer and route 35 intersect)? we loved the 2222 area as well, specifically cat mountain, but that's way out of our price range.

nsx related content: only saw one, it was a newer silver, we were in a parking lot off of 183 by the arboretum (across the highway). it was a newer silver with a bleached blonde woman driving.
robr said:
we like the lago vista area, but the commute....... oh, the commute....... is there a way to avoid the traffic from lago vista commuting to north austin (specifically the area where parmer and route 35 intersect)?
Hi Rob. That's definately a beautiful area and a hell of a commute. I don't know of a faster way than heading east on FM-1431, then south on IH-35 until Parmer. It may not be too bad right now, but with development in that area, congestion might be worse in the future. I don't know for sure, just something to consider.

For what it's worth: If you want to be close to the lake, I think commute from the south side of the lake (off of FM-620) should eventually be quicker when SH-45 North (toll) is complete. The Steiner Ranch community is near this area. A lot of my coworkers who work in Round Rock or Parmer/IH-35 live there.
thanks ojas, the steiner ranch area was really nice too, but again it was far more expensive than the north side of the lake. lago vista was very odd. it seemed that a large percentage of the houses in the area were up for sale. there also were almost no people around anywhere in the hour we spent driving around. the other odd thing was the deer... they were EVERYWHERE. we stopped counting at 50. they were laying in peoples driveways and the road. we passed houses 30 minutes later and the deer were still in the driveways. we stopped at the local fire dept just to chat with someone who knew the area and he said they were very overpopulated and quite a nuisance.

for the commute, it looks like the shortest route would be
1431->183->620->parmer according to streets and trips (Dell is basically on Parmer). going 1431 to 35 takes you waaaay north. 183 was a mess though with all the stop lights. hmmmm..... just like with anyplace else, the desirable places to live are out of our financial grasp :P. course i won't know if i have an offer for three weeks, so this could all be moot.
Robr, my wife is 20 weeks as well! Did you find all you need reference real estate? I work in real estate development and perhaps could lend a hand if needed. Just let me know. Lago Vista is a LONG commute for sure.