NEED HELP: Dropped wrench in engine bay

19 April 2001
Those red charge pipes looked so nice. The installation videos didn't seem too bad. But nothing is easy these days.

I was able to install the charge pipes but dropped a socket wrench in the engine bay. I *think* it dropped all the way to the bottom. I'm taking a break right now trying to figure out next steps. A few questions:

1. If it dropped to the bottom, is the fix as simple as unscrewing and removing the access cover on the bottom of the car. Is this feasible to do without a jack?
2. If I have to jack the car up, can I use any jack from another car. I read the post that showed the location of the jack points but it looks different than what I've dealt with before.
3. I'm guessing the engine has no exposed moving parts. If the wrench didn't drop all the way to the bottom, is it safe to drive the car to a dealer or indy mechanic? Or do I need to have the car towed?

I borrowed a snake cam from a neighbor and will try to see if I can at least locate the wrench. Any help would be appreciated.
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I used the snake cam and I think I can see the wrench at the bottom...again, not certain. I have the extendable magnet tool but even if I could somehow attach to the wrench, there is no way I could fish it through all the hoses and cables. I doubt anyone can tell from the pics below whether that is the floor of the engine compartment...unless you are really familiar with the engine. In the 1st pic, I think it's just left of center. In the 2nd pic, I think it's right in the middle of the pic.

I plan to drive it to a local mechanic to have them put the car on a lift and remove the access panel. I just hope it's ok to drive the car.


If your magnetic tool can attach to one end of the wrench, as you pull it out it will shift to a vertical position due to gravity - with enough attempts I think you will be able to retrieve it - I’ve pulled tools, nuts, bolts, etc out of worse places. It may seem like it takes along time but going to the mechanic and all that is probably going to waste even more time and you and car will be at home with no chance of all the great stuff that can happen at a shop.
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If your magnetic tool can attach to one end of the wrench, as you pull it out it will shift to a vertical position due to gravity - with enough attempts I think you will be able to retrieve it - I’ve pulled tools, nuts, bolts, etc out of worse places. It may seem like it takes along time but going to the mechanic and all that is probably going to waste even more time and you and car will be at home with no chance of all the great stuff that can happen at a shop.
I spent over 30 minutes fishing and re-fishing the snake cam to possibly get a glimpse of the wrench. And that is a thin piece of wire. When I tried using the magnetic tool, I could barely push it down through the hoses and engine parts. I don't think I even came close to reaching the wrench. If I thought I could pull it out, I would keep trying. It's also not that small of a socket wrench.

Any idea if the car is safe to drive? I'm hoping there are no exposed moving parts in the engine bay.
Local mechanic wasn't able to get the NSX on his lift. It's a decent sized shop with 8+ bays but they use the lifts with the swing out arms rather than the ones you drive over. His lift arms were about 1/8 inch too high for the NSX and neither of us wanted to gamble.

He then lifted one side of the car with a manual jack and opened up the undertray but the wrench wasn't visible. His guess was that it was sitting on top of the fuel tank (?). He also tried using a snake cam to find the wrench but he wasn't able to see it. In any case, I scheduled an appointment with Acura for next week.
There is a dampener on the anterior face of the engine that is exposed and rotates at high speed. The chances of your wrench interfering with this is low however. Seeing as you've already driven it, you would've found out quickly. Best solution is to lift the car and drop the splash guard. Can't tell you how much time I've spent fishing around with my borescope and magnetic claw too.