navy seal wins medal of honor

SEALS have my highest respects...If I only knew enough about them in High School, I would have at least tried :cool: Right now, I wanted to sing up for a reserve in the Navy.. but I couldn't get clearance b/c of a some medical conditions :frown:

Also, the book "The One" by Marcuss Latrel of the fallen SEALS and and Danny Dietz is awesome.

Everyone should read it that doesn't understand who we're up against and the willingness to stop at nothing for the destruction of the US, Israel and Western Society and Civilization as a whole. You can't reason with these guys. They don't just want "Afghanistan" or country XX - they want the world and see want to see Western Civilization at it's knees.

BTW: I heard that very few SEALS have died in Iraq compared to other branches of the military, showing the absolute skill these guys have.. anyone know if that's true?
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Watched the ceremony at the White House. Very moving.
Clearly one of the best and brightest - I'm sorry he had to die

I wish he and all of his bothers weren't in harms way
Although the term is used way too much nowadays, especially to describe sports athletes, what that guy did was absolutely heroic. Giving himself up to save two Navy SEAL brothers, as well as three Iraqi soldiers, is truly incredible.

Reading the article, it becomes obvious the U.S. lost a great soldier.
dam, he was a hell of a guy.

odly enough i have heard another story exactly like that on the military channel, i believe it was during ww2, grenade flew into the back of an open gun vehicle, the one guy jumped on it chest first to save his brothers,

Nothing but the utmost respect for Monsoor. I've met two Navy SEALs over the last few years and have come to realize 1) this wouldn't be considered out of the ordinary and 2) those guys are badasses. Incredibly confident. Not people to be underestimated or taken lightly.

Their idea of teamwork is at such a higher level than most comprehend - they fight for their country, of course, but more for the guy next to them.
I believe he is the thrid awardee of the Medal of Honor since the Iraq thing kicked off. It's definitely a rare one who earns it. Doesn't surprise me he was a SEAL.

BTW: I heard that very few SEALS have died in Iraq compared to other branches of the military, showing the absolute skill these guys have.. anyone know if that's true?

Are you talking about per capita? There aren't very many SEALs to begin with. Also, most of the deaths in Iraq are due to IED attacks. Likely, the missions that special ops troops undertake don't expose them to IEDs as frequently as conventional troops whose mission requires them to drive around the city all day long (but I could be mistaken on this one).

The other thing, of course (as you mentioned) is the level at which they operate. They are better at everything than a convetional service member, so even if they get wounded, they have better medics and first responders (i.e. each other) than the convetional soldiers.

Based upon what I've seen out here, I can tell you that preparedness will DRASTICALLY affect survivability.

If you have not seen the movie Tears of the Sun with Bruce Willis, I'd recommend it. It's a good depction of a military spec ops unit (SEALs, in this case) doing what it does.

Having first hand experience in the military, I'm highly critical of military movies. But this one is excellent.
i aggree that per capita there wouldnt be a ton of seals in iraq, and the seals arent the one doing regular patrols in the citys seeing ied's every day

i cant remember the show i watched, i think it was called "inside the navy seals" or something on the military channel(it possibly could have been a different division of themilitary but i believe it was the seals)

anyways, they had a reporter with them, and they were basicaly hunting terrorists/insurgents in the landscape/mountins in iraq, closer to the end of the show they were going to camp at the top of a hill for the night to monitor activitys during the night and the road up to the top of the hill was coverd with burried ied's that were were clearing, and i believe they missed one(dont recall the actual circumstances) but one blew up under a humvee and killed one seal, and badly burned a few people(one or two from the camera crew)

anyways, its scary shit, they were patrolling all day, monitoring radio traffic, and when they were on the hill they were monitoring radio traffic and they new they were being watched, etc.. but dam,
i aggree that per capita there wouldnt be a ton of seals in iraq, and the seals arent the one doing regular patrols in the citys seeing ied's every day

i cant remember the show i watched, i think it was called "inside the navy seals" or something on the military channel(it possibly could have been a different division of themilitary but i believe it was the seals)

anyways, they had a reporter with them, and they were basicaly hunting terrorists/insurgents in the landscape/mountins in iraq, closer to the end of the show they were going to camp at the top of a hill for the night to monitor activitys during the night and the road up to the top of the hill was coverd with burried ied's that were were clearing, and i believe they missed one(dont recall the actual circumstances) but one blew up under a humvee and killed one seal, and badly burned a few people(one or two from the camera crew)

anyways, its scary shit, they were patrolling all day, monitoring radio traffic, and when they were on the hill they were monitoring radio traffic and they new they were being watched, etc.. but dam,

I want to see this video. Can you find it? Are you sure it wasnt Afghanistan? I didn't know Iraq had many mountains...
I've met a few SEALs and every time I tucked my wimpy tail up under my hiney and whimpered in the corner like a frightened puppy. I'm pretty sure they weren't impressed meeting an investment banker. haha

Off topic, but does anyone know anything about the Delta Force? My understanding is that those Terminators are the best of the best...of the best. Just curious.
I've met a few SEALs and every time I tucked my wimpy tail up under my hiney and whimpered in the corner like a frightened puppy. I'm pretty sure they weren't impressed meeting an investment banker. haha

Off topic, but does anyone know anything about the Delta Force? My understanding is that those Terminators are the best of the best...of the best. Just curious.

Delta Force. They are the best of the best...

For example when I was in Airborne school I was the stick leader as an Army Infantry officer but everyone in my stick was a Navy Seal. At Jungle Warfare School in Panama there were tons of Marine Comandos. When I was in Special Forces, there was a SOG group, or Special Operations Group. Delt Force is a composition of all of these guys combined with a little sprinkled of CIA . You don't want to think about what they do. No one will ever know anyway. I was in a bar once in Viet Nam with my SOG buddy and he told an Air Force captain that he had spent more time in North Viet Namn than the guy had flown across. Then he promptly proceede to knock the guy out.

Delta don't want to go there. They are real spooks.
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I want to see this video. Can you find it? Are you sure it wasnt Afghanistan? I didn't know Iraq had many mountains...

searched, found some on youtube, it was actualy "inside the green berets" not the seals, must have been something else i was watching on the seals, and it was by national geographic, and it was afganastan

its a good show to watch for anybody thats interested in the stuff going on over there

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video of mike monsoor's parents recieving the medal of honor

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Yes he is a true hero! I didnt make it through Seal school, blew my knee out after hell week..kudo's to anyone that has finished and wears the Trident
I've met a few SEALs and every time I tucked my wimpy tail up under my hiney and whimpered in the corner like a frightened puppy. I'm pretty sure they weren't impressed meeting an investment banker. haha

Off topic, but does anyone know anything about the Delta Force? My understanding is that those Terminators are the best of the best...of the best. Just curious.

There's not much known for sure about what "Delta Force" does. The Army's actual name for Delta Force isn't even Delta Force.

The show called "The Unit" is a fictional "unit" that is based on Delta Force. It's written by Eric Haney, who was supposedly one of the founding members of Delta back in the late 70s.

Accoding to Haney, the purpose of the show is to relate his experiences as an Operator in a modern day setting. I've seen the first two seasons on DVD and I like it: it is fairly accurate at portraying army life in general, and from what I've seen/talk to of special operations types, it does a pretty good job portraying that lifestyle, too.

Anyway, the detail they go into makes the show authentic and enjoyable.

Another TV character that is former Delta is Jack Bauer. So when you see him do all kinds of amazing stuff in 24, it's that Delta background.

I haven't met any SEALs, but I have met and trained with a buch of Green Berets. All great guys who love what they do. I have no doubt that the SEALs are the same way.
Yes he is a true hero! I didnt make it through Seal school, blew my knee out after hell week..kudo's to anyone that has finished and wears the Trident

Tell us more! Is it really as crazy/difficult as the reputation is? I saw BUDS 234 ( I think ) on the Discovery Channel and I was like "wow, I don't believe!"
I've not much experience with SEAL's or Recon, but I did spend a good deal of time with Green Beret's, Rangers and some of the meanest overlooked men out there: LRSC. Most are Rangers or previously served in SF, but it is not a requirement. Any way you cut it, these are men who are intensely loyal to their comrades, possibly even more so than they are to their country.