Napa run sac/San Jose meet


I'm is Sonoma Co. and can give you more info on good touring roads (I drive they often with the NSX). I would like to join your touring somewhere along the final route. Oakville grade is a good winding road but the other end gets you in to a road area that is not so exciting… Going up the east site of napa valley is a nice road; then into alexander valley and onto Westside road (from Healdsburg); then onto river road(stop at Korbel); then to hwy one; then south down one along coast and tomalas bay (good stop is Nicks Cove) and to 101 at Mill Valley..

Give me a call for more info on road options in the northbay area. What is the latest planned date for touring up this way.

John P. 707 887-1000
Last edited:
1) 02#154 (meeting at IKEA in Emeryville)
2) macninja77 ((meeting at IKEA in Emeryville)- from sac + my brother and inlaw
3) flyinhigh842 (meeting at IKEA in Emeryville)- from Sac
5) CharlesCA - meet you in Vallejo
1) 02#154 (depending on date, meeting at IKEA in Emeryville)
2) macninja77 ((meeting at IKEA in Emeryville)- from sac + my brother and inlaw
3) flyinhigh842 (meeting at IKEA in Emeryville)- from Sac
5) CharlesCA - meet you in Vallejo

I should note that since the drive has been pushed out to an unknown date, I'll have to change my status to tentative depending on date.

Yes it should be scheduled for June now! I'm going to try to not make any pit stops along the way this time (i.e. llama corral '08). But I would be happy to help coordinate if anyone needs help. This drive is looooong overdue. Let's get our @sses in gear and just set a date. I think the second to last weekend of June is a start...
A few weeks ago I met the national sales manager for Ehlers Estate winery at the private introduction of Acura's ILX. A car guy with a deposit on the new NSX too!

He is happy to arrange a tour for you all if you are interested. The winery has an interesting history/story and all its profits go to philanthropy. They only use locally grown wines (no purchases from other regions), and its 100% organic too :biggrin:

I will be happy to coordinate; but given that I have done such events/coordinations before, I have a set of rules :eek::rolleyes::wink:
He is happy to arrange a tour for you all if you are interested.


Is the thought that this will be an overnight trip or a same day return?
Please recognize that the winery would need some head time if you want this tour. So the sooner we have more than one date to ask for consideration the sooner we can get on their calendar. It's not only what's good date for you but what is a good/available day for them too.

So far I see lukewarm response.
I would like to join you for the day. Is the planned date 6/23; I cannot make that date. If 6/23 is not set, 6/16 is a good date for me.. I live west of Santa Rosa & can give you some ideas on good roads from Napa to the coast & to San Francisco..

John P.
I'll give my contact at the winery a call and see what days they have available. Will pick one and post in here. If within a week I don't get enough confirmed "will attend" without flakiness, they we have a go, otherwise you can still do your events at your convenience.

Also, my position is that this be an NSXCA members only organized event hence we can have the umbrella liability coverage. I know this may rub some of you wrong, but then again, we do have a club with chapters in both the Bay and Sacramento areas. If this is not acceptable, then I better bail out now.
That sounds fair. Also, how many do they need in order to have the event?

That sounds fair. Also, how many do they need in order to have the event?


I"ll ask and post the details. I doubt if we can get more than 15 NSXs to participate. He was assuming up to 30 perhaps! Many moons ago we may have hit 20+ ........ And I was assured when I first talked to him about it that he was not going to have a tour where we spend 30 minutes on how the vines are cut ......... some of you may remember of that tour a few years ago :rolleyes::tongue:
Just got of the phone with my contact at Ehlers Estate Winery. They will check for a few dates that will work for them and get back to me with details.

Ideally, they said a Sunday would be better for Saturdays tend to be crazy busy and 29 gets quite congested.

A group of up to 30 persons is a good number for them - so that is about 15-20 NSXs depending on one or two per NSX. They do have a "fee" but he will check on that and let me know as well.

They don't have hosted luncheon facility so we have to figure a local eatery once the date is confirmed.

Stay tuned.
Before I get too far ahead in here by imposing on the potential host for some considerations, I would like to hear from the Sacramento and Bay chapter elected leaders as well as the northwest regional NSXCA representatives (if the position has been filled) if they have any concerns.

They all know how to reach me or use the PM. So far they all have been silent and this is not a good signal.

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