Name that part.....

12 July 2006
Niagara Falls/Toronto, Canada
After my purchase, I got a box of goodies with the car and forgot to ask what they were. So.......

weight? LOL if that thing is making my car slower I will have to bow down to a honda Civic. LOL
Thanks! That's a great link aswell...

Are most people running these? I assume it was taken out for wieght reasons...

yes. I know of no one that has removed this part, if you bought the car without it ,I would have to assume it was in some sort of front collision that when repaired this piece was overlooked.It is invaluable if you need a flatbed,or frequent tracks where there are hungry gravel traps.
I should have clarified, many other parts for weight reduction were removed - bumper beams (both!), all tools, spare tire, and a few other parts.. Im sure the previous owner thought "why not" when he was removing the beam.

But I like stock and now I know were it goes. Thanks again aside question for the hook. I flat-bedded my car before and we tried to use that hook for pulling it onto the bed (or so I thought we would). Even the tow truck driver's smallest hook wouldn't fit in such a way as to not touch the plastic around the hook. Is there something in the toolkit that adapts to the hook so it's more accessible that I'm missing? In the end we just used the tie-down hooks on the bottom but if I was in a sand trap or something "sinking" that wouldn't be an option.

Stock 2005
When I was flatbedded we used a strap attached to his hook,track crews normaly have aparatus that can get into small loops like the nsx.