NA2 coil packs on a NA1, has anyone done it?

28 November 2009
Just a little background as not everyone is aware.

NA1 coil packs are savage amounts of money compared to NA2

NA1 have a 2 pin plug, NA2 have a 3 pin plug.

I'm assuming that the NA2 has two of the same connectors as the NA1 plus the additional one for maybe OBD2? or something else? who knows.

Just wondering if anyone has ever successfully installed NA2 coil packs on the NA1 and how did they do it?

I would like to replace my NA1 coilpacks with new just because they are old, as far as i'm aware they work fine and i don't know if the NA2 are any better at all.

I have seen posts where guys talk about coils from other manufactures providing a better spark which may be the better option on a FI car but... no one makes a plug n play kit.
You would need to replace the 6 connectors on the engine wiring harness with three pin connectors, and the third wire would not be used. In addition the coil covers would need to be updated to the newer ones, since the 3 pin coils are higher and you cannot get the coil cover from the 2 pin coils over the 3 pin coils.

BTW, this is not an NA1/NA2 change. In 1995 with the introduction of OBDII diagnosics, a mis-fire detection system was added to the 3.0 liter NA1, and that continued for the rest of the production years till the end in 2005. This is what the third connection is for on the coilpak, to feed the misfire detection system.

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