n2o direct port??

24 January 2006
San Diego
I am planning on getting the nos direct port n2o system. Anyone out there running a direct port setup or any n2o kit for that matter that can give me some feedback? What shot...safety shutoffs...etc. Any photos? Thanks.
Matt, sorry I fell off the planet again but like ive stated I have been unreliable of late due to my heart although I did take tme to post some. I saw your post if you go direct port DO NOT use the nossle set up by NOS,even though NOS is my favorite hardware to build my kits from the direct port NOS system that requires no drilling of the manifold steps the injectors back to far and that can and will burn your cylinders.
my advise is if you are sure you want direct port do it right and spend the money to insure its correct.
I would IMHO send off my manifold to SOS and have cris polish and tap it for you as well as a good cleaning.give him the specs for drill size and thread,use flex line and not copper. AND have your injectors c&c'ed by rc enginering.you can go 15 persent above stock without wash down.even better would be to go with an aem ecu to control the n20 as well as much larger injectors.this will give you the ability to tune each cylinder for correct A/F on the spray and will provide that added layer of safety more power from a solid tune and finally the health of the motor in general.if you need clarification on a solid direct port tune feel free to pm me. BTW youi can spray alot more n20 going direct port safely then if you used a standard single fogger. hope this helped some.
best regards dave
mateo91181 said:
Thanks BADCARMA. Anyone have any pics of there setup?
Matt, I am getting my entire catalog of n20 setups including original RM with ashtray controls and proper setup diagrams and wire harness,bottle heater setup,purge and saftey features, wet sys diagrams and setup, dry ,wet or dry direct port diagrams and tune info (need the aem to do the direct port dry proper IMHO.just about every n20 setup you could want ,venom,zex ECT. and puting it in pdf format as a complete faq's how to that would not only impart the know how but a clear understanding of how and why it works.pitfalls and basically evrything I have learned bout n20 specific to running it on an NSX. I have wanted to do this for along time and think it would benefit the community at large that have a poor view of n20 due to lots of myths and just wrong info out there. with my here today in the hospital tommorow lifestyle I am stuck with these days I want to pass it on while I still can. I have been collecting all the data and will scan it in soon.
what I am shooting for is anyone that is willing to take the time to really read the info that they should be able to take about any setup they desire and do a quality install themselves.I will include monthly maintainence issues to keep the system at peak performance so on.
It's worth the effort on my part if even a few guys take the time as laypersons to tackle learning the in's and out's of the whole n20 install and homegrown system design gig.
remember it only seems difficult until you learn it then its second nature.I want to see other X owners proudly posting systems they designed and installed themselves without worry that it was done right.then I want the info passed on.
So matt if you cant wait yeah I can send you pics and advise but nothing feels better then doing it yourself without fear of blowing the hell out of your motor.
I like the idea of free flow of technical data across the spectrum in respect of impowerment of the end user (US) and not getting raped for a half ass install by someone that does not even know what the kick panel fuse box is on an X.
I unlike alot of folks dont care what your choice is as far as F/I or N20 or if you use the wrong term(and we know what you mean its just so much fun to point out how stupid you are because you were not born with the info genetically coded) to descibe what you want because you are new to it,makes some guys feel superior to point out that someone else is a dummy and by all means make you feel like a dick for even asking a question....dont let it get to you if you are new here.whatever makes you feel safe about the added power on a stock motor is YOUR choice. I just think that if you are going in headfirst arm yourself with as much know how as possible while doing so.IMHO N20 is safer then ever in terms of new and better safety features,is very cost effective and frankly the longer I've had my car the more I feel that I dont need nose bleed power all the time but their are just those days you want to tear it up! if you feel the same n20 might be the choice for you.
I hope this does not piss anyone off but over the years I keep hearing about n20 will do this or that to your motor and IT CAN if you dont respect it or maintain it.but the same goes for S/C'S and Turbo's and I think some if not alot of the n20 will wreck your ride comes from owners of other F/I setup's .I will not point my finger when the big S/C sales that have taken place recently take out there share of motors,clutches and tranny's not due to bad design but complacence on the part of the owners not educating themselves on what they are doing to their cars.everyone seems to want to point at a vendor when things go south and am not saying every design has been perfect without listing that little black box... and say you sold me a bad setup and the car might not have ever seen a dyno in its lifetime.,I was unaware it could cause this or that.if you want to play in the F/I N20 world take responsability for your setups health and turn off the game once and awhile and learn what it is that is making that power for ya. end of REAllY long rant. you long term F/I n20 freaks know what I am getting at,this is geared towards the guys that expect a perfect running motor without a second thought of a need to do anything after the install of their choice of power. IT IS A BIG DEAL!
Best Regards David
PS flame on!!
HEy BaDcarma: Can you please shine some light on my post here. I ve been on stuck mode for a while with this thing. Thanks

mateo91181: hey I am planing on doing the same direct port did you find out anything new? You are going to get a second or new inline fuel pump right?
Do you/anyone know where to get Walbro fuel 255 pump for a good price?
ARe you going to get a new bigger fuel tank like Jazz tank? Do you or anyone know where I can find these for a good price?
I am going to have Shad from Driving ambition do my install. He's a real gentlemen and very helpful. We will keep you guys updated on our advancement on my nitrous install. We need more people sharing what they know so we can better the whole prime comminity.