Mystery leak...

26 July 2005
Fort Myers, Florida
After completing my timing belt water pump service I'm finding a couple drops of antifreeze under the center the engine every time I use the car. It looks like it's coming from the rear engine drain bleeder - but I've re-tightened it twice. Is there a seal in the bleeder that needs to be replaced? I've been under the car twice and can't find any other source for the leak.
After completing my timing belt water pump service I'm finding a couple drops of antifreeze under the center the engine every time I use the car. It looks like it's coming from the rear engine drain bleeder - but I've re-tightened it twice. Is there a seal in the bleeder that needs to be replaced? I've been under the car twice and can't find any other source for the leak.

1. Did you pressure test the system prior to reassembly?
2. Check the coolant level in the tank, could be too high.
3. Pressure test it now and see if the leak gets worse.

If you actually see a drip on the end of the bleeder, that could be it, otherwise you can be easily fooled about the source(check #2 above, as well as the coolant tank cap). I never open the bleeders so I cannot comment about them leaking as a common issue or not:).

The only time I have ever had a leak after a t/belt job was when I did not pressure test it, then found the water pump gasket had a nick in it (I may have created the nick, not sure). It was not a good day:(. I NEVER reassemble a timing belt without a pressure test, after learning the hard way;).

1. Did you pressure test the system prior to reassembly?
2. Check the coolant level in the tank, could be too high.
3. Pressure test it now and see if the leak gets worse.

If you actually see a drip on the end of the bleeder, that could be it, otherwise you can be easily fooled about the source(check #2 above, as well as the coolant tank cap). I never open the bleeders so I cannot comment about them leaking as a common issue or not:).

The only time I have ever had a leak after a t/belt job was when I did not pressure test it, then found the water pump gasket had a nick in it (I may have created the nick, not sure). It was not a good day:(. I NEVER reassemble a timing belt without a pressure test, after learning the hard way;).


I did not pressure test it, but with the car hot and idling...the leak is not any worse. It could possibly be that I overfilled the coolant tank - hard to tell because it is an aluminum replacement and you can't really see the level. I guess if the leak stops, I'll know that was the's very small (but annoying). Pressure testing would not reveal an over filled coolant tank - right?
You should be able to identify the location where it coming from. Take a picture of it when you found it and post it here. All else is highly guessing as there are many possible locations where it can leak.

I don't do a pressure test after a WP install because on the last cars we always pulled the engine and did a complete head to feet service. Having the engine out we have full control over everything but even then I even inspect the new WP gasket carefully before and during mounting. Not everyone's budget I know but I hate second-best. :wink: