MYNSX IN JAIL FOR 6 MONTHS!! Criminal Speeding

Am I the only one who wonders how the Gumballers get away with thier cross country escapade? I heard that some folks got 5+ tickets, and I imagine not all for 5-10mph over the limit. Is speeding a crime, yes. Is it on the same level as theft or a violent crime? I guess it depends on the circumstances, but in most cases I feel that it is not.

It seems like you should require something more than a Police offer's work to lock someone up to me.
Thanks so far for all the support.
Wow what a rush of responses .You'd think
I was giving away free NSX's

I am working w/ my lawyer this week.

As far as posting the facts here (theres nothing to hide) "really"!!

We were not speeding "AT ALL!!" all night.My fiance' will not speed /she simply refuses to.
She was in the middle of the pack.I asked her if possibly I was speeding at any point (possibly I didn't realize it?) Her reply was definatly not she was on my bumper ALL NIGHT.
If I did do it I would say it.Now as for the other night (that was speeding,at it's best)"but we won't go there"

Bottom line we were set up.

Theres no way that I'm going down easy.

I won't get mad .I'LL GET EVEN....

If a normal NSX with normal horsepower can potentially get you in this kind of trouble, think what would happen with 450-500 HP.
Fun, but $$$$$$$$
The one occasion when I cruised with MYNSX, we were well below the speed limit the whole time (it was probably the slowest I've ever been in my NSX!). I believe it when he says he never sped..
I'm sorry to hear about your predicament. It's especially and absolutely crazy that the cops come after you when you're NOT speeding. I hope you're lawyer can help you and get you of this crazy sentence. I don't mind criminals being locked up but in this case nobody is harmed, nobody is offended and no damage is done.
I'm getting more and more tired of the black&white view officials take towards speed limit. Like (in the US), by definition, 65mph is safe and 70mph is not.

Where I live we are getting tired of the fact that every police region is REQUIRED to write out 100000 speeding-tickets every week to make the yearly quota. (But alcohol-tickets only 600 a year). And most of these tickets are gathered with radar-activated speed-camera's with most ticket being <6 mph over the posted speed-limit.

Judging by the tone that seems to be in your post, you know for a fact that you were set up and those responsible.

All I can say is, WOW. I can only imagine your anger. Perhaps there is a way to prove such setup was in place.
If any local authorities or politicians are/were on the "take", get your attorney to file for a change of venue. Local judges almost always protect their polical and policing constituents.
I hope that everything turns out well for you.
Originally posted by Tom Larkins:
Doubtful, but a real NAZI could be looking around !!!

Please note that my family is not related to the so-called "Speed Nazis".
I have to admit that I find it difficult to believe that you could be charged with a misdemeanor offense, tried and convicted without any proof whatsoever of speed, etc., especially since the burden of proof is higher in a criminal prosecution as compared to an administrative hearing for a simple moving "violation."

Granted, speed traps and similar tactics are used often by local police authorities but somehow there seems to be something missing from your version. I am not suggesting that you make any factual statements in this forum at this time, rather my free legal advice would be to stop writing anything here because all your statements may be construed as admissions against interest in any criminal prosecutions, including at the appellate level.

That being said, although I am sympathetic to your situation, it would be helpful when this is over to provide details as to the charges and the defenses to avoid causing undue concern to other members about their canyon drives, convoys, etc.

For example, you mentioned that there was a charge of doing twice the speed limit in a school zone. I don't want to get preachy but as much as all of us enjoy driving our cars the way they were designed to be driven, it doesn't benefit the NSX community to be perceived as "reckless drivers" by violating school zone limits and then expecting everyone to feel sorry if you get caught.

You may very well have been "set up" and have a valid defense, either at the trial level or on appeal. However, I just felt it necessary to voice my opinion that something else must have occurred for you to be in your current predicament rather than a complete fabrication of events by an over-zealous police department.

I still wish you luck with your legal battles but at the conclusion of them it would be beneficial to all on this forum to understand all of the facts and allegations, along with the proof presented by the prosecution that led to a criminal conviction, to be able to better protect against a similar occurrence to another member.

The always on video thing remind me of the dash cam on every police car. Hey Bill, can you ask the court to show video recorded from the dash cam that night to show that you and your friends weren't speeding.
Good luck!
Bill, Sorry to hear what happened to you.

I wish you the best of luck, and hope for the best.
Heed the advice of RSO,and Good luck!
Originally posted by MYNSX:
It's complete B.S we were not even speeding


I somehow doubt that a group of cars driving at, or under, the speed limit, would be pulled over and charged with speeding so severe that it comes with a prison sentence. That just doesn't pass the sniff test.

I'm not saying that no one ever gets a speeding ticket when they're not speeding - KenjiMR has told us a good counterexample, with reasons why the officer might have misperceived speed - but a large group? I just find it hard to believe.

Please note that I am not a die-hard on speed laws. I find that most speeding tickets, which are often given for speeds of 10 to 15 mph over the limit, are a waste of law enforcement resources. And I think that the system is stacked against the defendant, insofar as convictions are routine based on your word against the officer's.

I just wonder what REALLY happened here, and don't think it's as simple as what we've heard so far. Just my O.
Sorry to hear about your misfortune. Congratulations on becoming a contributer to society, rather than a leach. Now lose half your income to taxes, get jailed by these uneducated hipocrits whom you salary. I'm not some crazy skinhead, but I do have a problem with ignorant, uneducated, plenty of time on their hands suburban wimp cops and troopers to weak to make it in a ghetto trying to teach me a lesson about speed kills. Ignorance kills people.

Ever wondered how law enforcement could acutally make a difference? Perhaps through education? For instance, it would be interesting to know how many jacka$$z in the USA hold a drivers license and have no idea what the left lane is for. Is driving 5-15 mph over the limit any worse than passing on the right?

Anyone had the pleasure to drive in Western Europe?

Do not mean to sound too harsh but if this is what really happened we are all potential victims. I am a man of principle and to hear stories like this really psz me off!!

May the force be with you Bill.
Speeding tickets are not about justice. They are revenue generators for the government, and give insurance industry a reason to raise premiums.
The thing I absolutely despise the most about traffic enforcement is that even if you are completely innocent, and have ample proof to show it, once the ticket it written, your time is wasted. You will never get it back. Anywhere from several hours to represent yourself for a speeding ticket, to more prolonged appearances in court for more major charges, and hundreds if not thousands of dollars in legal fees that you'll never get back.

Originally posted by grippgoat:
The thing I absolutely despise the most about traffic enforcement is that even if you are completely innocent, and have ample proof to show it, once the ticket it written, your time is wasted. You will never get it back. Anywhere from several hours to represent yourself for a speeding ticket, to more prolonged appearances in court for more major charges, and hundreds if not thousands of dollars in legal fees that you'll never get back.


Its designed this way so the easy and less time consuming way out, is to just pay. The sad part is, in Oregon they have basically done the same thing with the criminal justice system.

[This message has been edited by nsxxtreme (edited 08 January 2003).]