MYNSX IN JAIL FOR 6 MONTHS!! Criminal Speeding

8 November 2001
Criminal speed set-up.
I am not a happy camper.


There were 40 cops total that night we (all 6 cars were set-up) and there were 2 helicopters,5 cops on horses,bicycle cops,squad cars,it was ridiculous)

Court was this AM @ 9am.

My fiance' was cruising w/ us that eve and was sentenced too. I think she's more upset than me.


[This message has been edited by MYNSX (edited 07 January 2003).]
What does that mean? - you or just your car "in jail" for 6 months?
What determines criminal speeding?
Are they more targeting the "side show" activities? (this is big in CA)
Whoa. Assuming you're still at liberty to type, how fast were you going?

And what did they charge your passenger with?

Originally posted by flaminio:
And what did they charge your passenger with?

I inferred from the reference to his fiancee that she was driving another car as part of the group that was caught.

One thing we found out on the way to NSXPO '97 is that, if you go very fast in a big group, another car on the road is likely to call it in on his cell phone:


[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 07 January 2003).]
Originally posted by nsxtasy:
One thing we found out on the way to NSXPO '97 is that, if you go very fast in a big group, another car on the road is likely to call it in on his cell phone:

This just happened to me about a month ago. A group of us was called in to the highway patrol. Luckily we were let off with a warning.

'91 Red/Ivory (Sold)
'96 Red/Black
I didn't memorize the technical jargon.

I heard reckless endangerment or reckless driving (not sure),drag racing,exibition of speed,waste of finite resources... blah blah blah,doing over 2X the posted speed limit posted in a school zone.

My lawyer said there was something very wrong w/ this picture but didn't want to be specific.This pissed me off but maybe he can fight the current status.


[This message has been edited by MYNSX (edited 07 January 2003).]
Get a top dog attorney with high-level politcal allies... hopefully your current legal team already fits the bill. Funny how illegal immigrants in Arizona can commit violent crimes and are set free while you get 6 months for a reckless driving incident.

Btw, I thought school zone speed limits are only active during school commute hours?

I feel for you. Now we will have two NSXPrime brothers locked up.
MYNSX - please post details of your incident, arrest and trial. If you've had your trial but aren't in jail yet perhaps there is hope to avoid this.

I received a ticket in OH in a similar set up, officers in the air were timing speeders and using ground support to ticket them. I've since purchased a radio that lets you listen in on the air to ground loop and avoid these traps.

More recently I was arrested in GA but a good lawyer helped me avoid draconian penalties. Let us know your situation and maybe someone can help. Good luck.
Originally posted by Soichiro:
MYNSX - please post details of your incident, arrest and trial. If you've had your trial but aren't in jail yet perhaps there is hope to avoid this.

I received a ticket in OH in a similar set up, officers in the air were timing speeders and using ground support to ticket them. I've since purchased a radio that lets you listen in on the air to ground loop and avoid these traps.

More recently I was arrested in GA but a good lawyer helped me avoid draconian penalties. Let us know your situation and maybe someone can help. Good luck.

I am going to be speaking w/ my lawyer again shortly to see what he's got up his sleave.
I will certainly be fighting this verdict.
It's complete B.S we were not even speeding and it's a much longer story "but" the person who was supposidly leading (my friend Aarron) couldn't be there at court today.

Theres more but I gotta' run out for the day and do some stuff quick.I'll be back later.

Bill, OMG I seriously hope this is not for real; for a sec I thought it was April 1st already

If this is (god forbid) indeed true, I hope your setence gets overturned. It definitely seems unfair, especially to such a nice guy.

Please let me know if there's anything I can do.
Sorry to hear of your bad fortune! As the result of a couple "B.S." traffic tickets myself (young guy, rural cops and a nice car) I will say that there are generally two courses of action:
1. (for minor hassles) act respectful, and appeal to the prosecutor/judge
2. (for instances like this where you are bent over) hire the best lawyer you can find, and get your name cleared!

Good luck!

MYNSX, I hope you get off with proper representation with a good lawyer, I cannot over emphasize the good harsh as your sentence is I think it is going to get worse at the local and state level wherever you live.the cops have a serious hard on for what they deem as street racing. I could go on and on about how bad its degraded here in Florida.they will let a minivan with a full load of children on board cruise past 20 miles over the posted limit but if you are in a sports car watch out, they will pop you for 10 miles over on a highway. I believe I will be joining the guys for the track events which I have yet to do to satisfy my need for speed and keep it legal from now on out.anyway hope it all works out for you.keep us posted and good luck.oh yeah,is the criminal speeding charge a felony? I think they just passed some legislation in Florida that makes the racing, reckless driving charge a felony.any Florida guys that can confirm that?
Best regards David
Originally posted by Soichiro:
MYNSX - please post details of your incident, arrest and trial.

Nah, don't do this... could be held against you.

This sounds like complete BS ... *really mad* And coz you have a mad car, they probably trying to scapegoat you. >

This really ticks me off... u got my moral support Bill.
When I lived in AZ, reckless driving was classified as a felony (I have no problem with that, in theory). That means you get six months. Probably still works that way.

I got tagged doing 158 mph in Wilcox a long time ago. Took a bucket load of cash to get out of that one. Left Dallas at 8:15 in the am and was in jail in AZ by 2 pm. Nice days work.
Hmmm...if this can happen to Bill, it can happen to anyone of us NSX'ers who do canyon runs, sunday leisure drives, etc.

I mean, we wouldn't even be speeding and cops would just be looking for a group of fast expensive cars to nail!
Originally posted by David:
When I lived in AZ, reckless driving was classified as a felony (I have no problem with that, in theory). That means you get six months. Probably still works that way.

If it's six month then it's not a felony, felony sentences are punishable by at least 1.5 yrs of prison time, there're some instances of indivduals states where the sentence is reduced to ~1 yr. The general term "jail" is for misdemeanor offenses. So unless Bill was also charged with DUI/DWI (which then couple with speeding turn it into a felony offense) then the likelihood of serving 6 months may be more of a possibility than a fallacy. With a good lawyer, I think the worst case scenario would be a sentence of 1-2 months time in lockup. I would assume AZ operates on a 1/2 day reduction sentence basis like most other states, that means 15-30 days behind bars or a holding facility. Good luck with the hearing Bill, but do expect to do some time.
Good luck Bill, we're pullin for ya brotha! Tell those AZ cops that they definitely DON'T want the crew from Brooklyn comin to bust out a native son!