My worst day ever.

So sorry to hear...

Thoughts and prayers.

Hang in there, buddy.... Things will get better.
No words can possibly express the depth of the loss I can only imagine you are feeling. Take care, my thoughts are with you.
Im sorry for your loss.
Howard, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. 60 years is such a great thing to be proud of. You have been blessed my friend to have married such a great lady. I lost my wife of only 24 years just over two years ago (my worst day ever) and I can tell you that by surrounding yourself with close friends and family especially during the holidays is important. I know it is hard to believe right now but, each day will get a little easier to bear though you will never stop thinking about her each day. For me the memories make me smile. I believe your wife and mine will be looking upon us with pride knowing that we are better men for having married them.

As was said before, take a trip away for a while and see close friends and family and visit favorite places. My teenage son and I did just that and it was very healing for the both of us. If you ever need to talk please feel free to call me anytime. Just send me a PM and I'll give you all of my contact info. Also, if your wife had a favorite charity please let us know so we can honor her by a donation in her name. My prayers for God's love and His peace that passes all understanding are with you.

Howard, our condolences to you and your family. I remember your wife well from NSXPO2013.
You have reached out to your friends at NSX Prime and NSXCA. and Speaking for all of us, we are all thinking and praying for you during a very difficult time.
Keep your family close by, remember the good times you two had together. I am sure she is looking over you.

take care good friend.
Very sorry for your loss. Please try to spend time with family during the holidays if you can.
I don't have anything else to offer considering the heartfelt wishes posted here, except to say you are in our thoughts and prayers. Sincerest condolences.
Howard, our condolences to you and your family. I remember your wife well from NSXPO2013.
You have reached out to your friends at NSX Prime and NSXCA. and Speaking for all of us, we are all thinking and praying for you during a very difficult time.
Keep your family close by, remember the good times you two had together. I am sure she is looking over you.

take care good friend.

Warren: I remember you and your wife well from NSXPO2013, and with you and I with Dennis at the track in Denver. Lostbuckeye; Ed I think I'm remembering you too, and I want to thank you along with all the others for their kind words.
I'm fortunate to have all my four children and most of the the twelve Grandchildren and some of the seven Great Grandchildren close by. I'm lucky to have learned of NSXCA and NSXPRIME and to have met many of you at events in Florida as well as NSXPO's. Thank you all for all the good times! Howard

My sincere condolences. So sorry for your loss. Always remember you have friends in our community, and are always willing to help with whatever you may need.

Howard, I'm so very sorry for your loss. Having met her in 13 and knowing you all these years I am truly sorry to hear this. If you need anything at all feel free to reach out. She was a sweetheart and lived an amazing 60 years with a great guy. Your NSXCA and NSXPrime family are here for you.
My deepest sympathies to you, on your loss of your "life partner", 60 years is quite an accomplishment. With the right partner, it's not long enough.
Howard, my deepest sympathies for your loss.
So many never get to experience true love. Treasure the moments. Celebrate the life.

Take it one day at a time. My condolences.
My deepest sympathies to you, on your loss of your "life partner", 60 years is quite an accomplishment. With the right partner, it's not long enough.

This says it so well. Bless you Roger for these words.

Howard, I am sorry for your loss.
My deepest sympathies to you on the loss of your beloved wife. Having 60 years or 6 months the loss of her is heart wrenching. I have made the same post as you and share your grieving. May she rest in peace and may God's light shine upon her.