My wife! She's amazing!

Wow some very cool stories here!

My girlfriend knows I'm waiting for my NSX to arrive in Dubai (its presently being shipped after some terrible delays) and for my birthday she had a digital print done up on canvas of me driving the car on the highway! Spectacular to say the least and looks like it had been hand painted herself!

It brought a tear to my eye that she took an emotional picture for me and wanted to hang it in our place!

Some gals are just keepers aren't they!

Olynn... you have good eyes. I can't stand it when people mistaken it for the G. Love the car. After test driving the NSX with my wife, I came back to my M
and all of a sudden, I no longer care for all the gadgets. It's just something about the NSX that's addicting.
damn! i wanna marry your wife------errrr i mean, i want a wife like that lol.

remember when i was with my exgf (2 relationship ago) she hated my S2000 after i sold my SC400 (she loved that car) for her own sake----i sold the S2k for a M45-----which i LIKED but more of an impulse buy. lets just say it was a $30k mistake. so after i broke up with her, i traded in the M45 for NSX.
My wife is the same way.

I said "lets get an NSX". She said "Do it". I said "lets get a 2nd NSX". She said "Do it" (we got a S2000 instead). I said "I need XYZ for the NSX". She says "If it's for the NSX, just do it, no need to tell me about it".
Ummm... Ok, I'll say it on behalf of all us single guys reading this thread.
We've got the cold chills sitting here and reading about having to check with and get the approval of a femme in order to buy/sell/mod the NSX! That someone would have the power to stand in our way(even though she chose to acceed in most cases mentioned here) is, to say the least disturbing!
I've got double chills because it looks like I'm altar-bound next year.
I hadn't considered this!:eek: (shudders involuntarily)
gdae... It's just the begining. One advice for you... RUN....J/K
It's a great thing.
Marriage can be such a beautiful thing! When your wife sees your hopes and desires and fulfills them.(like my nsx) Though it is difficult at times, I can think of worse things, like being single forever. Enjoy your new found love just remember whos in charge, I mean whos more important!

Answer: (for some of you) WIFE:smile:

Score 4 bonus points
...Just don't spend too much time in the garage or it could backfire. My wife gets a little jealous when I spend the day detailing my car.

HAHA!! My wife has made similar comments because when we moved into our new home last year she wanted to change some things, and make some improvements. She said she wanted me to get as excited about our new home as she was. I said, 'Okay, I will', and proceeded to drywall the unfinished garage, install 4 sets of garage cabinets, install a 175 psi air compressor system with ceiling mounted retracting air hose, put in a commercial grade paper towel dispenser, a multi-leve refigerator, and mounted up 4 sets of commercial grade lighting fixtures for a total bulb count of 16 lamps. After that I had framed and mounted several pictures of the NSX and placed them all around the garage walls. Here in the next 30-60 days my epoxy flooring should be done as well. When I was getting near the end of the project she brought up again that she wanted me to get excited about the house. I looked at her at said, 'I am excited! Look at all of the work I have done,' to which she said, 'This is the garage'. I replied, 'Well, the garage is ATTACHED to the house and part of it, so that counts'. She just shook her head and walked off. :tongue: :biggrin:

On the upside, she is pretty great as well. Anything I want to do with my cars she is okay with. She said, 'As long as you can pay the bills at the end of the month, I do not care what you do with your money. It is yours, spend it as you like'. I love my wife. :smile: :tongue:
Ummm... Ok, I'll say it on behalf of all us single guys reading this thread.
We've got the cold chills sitting here and reading about having to check with and get the approval of a femme in order to buy/sell/mod the NSX! That someone would have the power to stand in our way(even though she chose to acceed in most cases mentioned here) is, to say the least disturbing!
I've got double chills because it looks like I'm altar-bound next year.
I hadn't considered this!:eek: (shudders involuntarily)

I couldn't imagine my life w/o my wife (Lisa, you reading this? :biggrin:). I have the full authority to do anything my wife lets me do....j/k :biggrin: :tongue:

It's not about getting "permission". It's about having a balanced and equal partnership in a loving relationship. If you don't have that, then no point in getting married. So, don't worry about the cold chills. They will turn into warm feelings. :smile:
Long story short, a guy came in with one but I didn't get to park it. I waited until the dust cleared, grab the keys and did a few laps in the parking lot.

i would of done the same thing. haha

although now i'm going to think twice about parking the NSX valet. lol

congrats on the new additions!! (nsx and baby) :)
Hey Mike thanks! I live in Springfield exit 136 off of the parkway. Where in south Jersey are you? I was thinking of driving down to A.C. this weekend if it doesn't rain! Hope to see ya around.

Ok now let's see how great your woman really is :eek:
Are you joining us for NSXPO in Ohio?

We have a caravan leaving from NJ on Thursday morning Oct 4th and you are welcome to join us for the trip :smile:

By the way when you were at Bridgewater did you meet Mike? He's hard to miss especially when buying an NSX.

Welcome to the NJ crew. Join the NE posting forum and you can stay informed about local drives. Most of all become a member of the NSXCA if you haven't already done so and stay informed on all events and local happenings. I'm in Edison and if you PM your info I will let you know when we are going on local fun runs :biggrin:

Best of luck with your new ride :cool:
Ok now let's see how great your woman really is :eek:
Are you joining us for NSXPO in Ohio?

We have a caravan leaving from NJ on Thursday morning Oct 4th and you are welcome to join us for the trip :smile:

By the way when you were at Bridgewater did you meet Mike? He's hard to miss especially when buying an NSX.

Welcome to the NJ crew. Join the NE posting forum and you can stay informed about local drives. Most of all become a member of the NSXCA if you haven't already done so and stay informed on all events and local happenings. I'm in Edison and if you PM your info I will let you know when we are going on local fun runs :biggrin:

Best of luck with your new ride :cool:
Climberao, I would love to be a part of that but I can't make it. We are going to Fla. on the 5th, for my mother-in-law's 60th b-day(compromise). Maybe I'll get to go one day. Yeah I met Mike, he was more excited about me buying the car than I was. He's a good dude, he was very helpful. Thank for the grats! I hope to see you around.
Congradulations on your dreams coming true..again! Keep up the good work. Seems that things are falling in place for, wife, new born, and now the hottest mistress you will ever get! Take care of her and she will return the favour many times over!..and over..and over! lol...gj.
I must just be stupid. Let me see, 29, married, new baby, and you go out and buy a 2 seater.... I hope you already own a home, probably do. I guess i am jealous. I did not buy my NSX until I was 48-I did pay cash though. Good luck with your car.

It is funny to me how you are always so condescending...why be so judgmental of his decision. What would owning a home have to do with his decision to buy/lease/rent or steal the car? You really don’t know anything about the guy’s position financially, yet you have already made broad assumptions and even used them to manifest your jealousy.

And just to be rude, who cars if you paid you think that was a good use of funds?

Do you think you could have used that 30-75K in other ways, which would have created a passive income that would have paid for the NSX in a 4-6 year time frame? While you would still have paid some interest or fees for this approach, you would still have the passive income after the nsx was paid off. It would take only 2-3 years more to recoup your initial interest charges and now you are 10 years further down the road. NSX paid for depreciating as it should. You still have the original 30-75K in your portfolio, and you still see income from it. So was it really smarter to pay cash for a car like that @ 48 years of age?

Hmmmm Looks like I just did what you did and assumed too much about you and your position from a few lines of text on an open forum.....
I couldn't imagine my life w/o my wife (Lisa, you reading this? :biggrin:). I have the full authority to do anything my wife lets me do....j/k :biggrin: :tongue:

It's not about getting "permission". It's about having a balanced and equal partnership in a loving relationship. If you don't have that, then no point in getting married. So, don't worry about the cold chills. They will turn into warm feelings. :smile:

THAT'S A BIG 10-4...bill :biggrin:
Congradulations on your dreams coming true..again! Keep up the good work. Seems that things are falling in place for, wife, new born, and now the hottest mistress you will ever get! Take care of her and she will return the favour many times over!..and over..and over! lol...gj.
Thanks much! I can't complan!
Congratulations on your situation with being able to buy your dream car with the blessings of an understanding wife while having a new born! It is a rare situation which I have been fortunate to enjoy as well!

I started a car detaling business as a teenager and had a deal with an exclusive mechanic shop to do all of their cars. I did Vettes, Porsches, Mercedes, BMW's, etc. Many times I got to keep the cars at my parents house over the weekend when the owners went out of town, and some of them allowed me to drive these awesome machines. I got the bug for nice cars and it never left! I noticed that most of the owners of the cars had one thing in common....they were all over the age of 40 (which seemed very old to me when I was 17). I vowed that I would get a job that would allow me to get the cars I wanted at a young age. I had several late 80's Mustangs and a 1990 300ZX by the time I was 21. I bought my first of 6 Vettes at the age of 24 when I got out of college and got my first corporate job. Got married at age 25 to an amazing woman! Since the time we have been married, we have purchased over 50 cars including several Vettes, Porsches, a Viper, Cobras, BMWs, 10 motorcycles and atvs, 2 boats. As long as I put money away in the 401K, paid all of the bills timely and took care of her and our two beautiful daughters, I am allowed to indulge myself with more of the toys I wanted as a young kid. I will be 38 next month, and I have to say that I am having the time of my life right now! I am thankful everyday for my wonderful wife, our girls and a career that has allowed me to follow my dreams. I plan on having an Enzo one day unless current owners keep letting actor-comedians or imaginary folks like Dietrich (strangely enough that's my wife's maiden name...must be a sign :smile: ) total them out.

It sounds like you have a similar situation, so continue to value it, and you will continue to achieve your dreams!


Wow some great storys guys. I think we should all print this out, and the next time you here a women say she is not apprecaited pull this readup out for viewing. Looks like we all here do.

DMG311 If you need someone to help wash your cars I am about 20 min away.:smile:
I too am one lucky guy! (hence the log in) My second time around (not so lucky with the first one) but with a 1 year old daughter and an Nsx I appreciate any time the missus and I get to tour around together in the car. When we bought it the sold sign on the rear view mirror said " Sold to Julie" fortunately I get to drive it!:biggrin: The most nerve racking part is when she takes it out by herself, cute blonde, fancy car, and at every stop light the guys that drool! Guess thats the compromise!