My search for an NSX is driving me nuts!


Registered Member
27 April 2003
So Cal
I'm going nuts! It's got to be a good 6 months of searching day in and day out with no favorable results. Seems like every car I check out is either beat up, has a hidden history, or is just too far away. I've checked,, our own classifieds on prime, and even local papers with some leads, but no cigar.

I was always under the impression that perhaps my proximity to the bay area would make it easy to find one, but noo! Seems like everyone in California thinks their car is worth a good $5-7k over what nationwide prices dictate.

I feel like I'm reaching the end of the road here--can anyone give me any tips? I'm trying to keep hope alive. It's not like I'm looking for some unreasonable deal--my budget is fair--it's just that supply is low:( . I can only hope to find my 93-94 NSX in CA.


Be patient, It took me 9 months of daily searching to find mine. Its worth the wait.
NMNSX said:
Be patient, It took me 9 months of daily searching to find mine. Its worth the wait.

i second that!

it took me like 8 months before i found the one!!

but if your only looking for 93-94 then it might take longer..

just never give up, if it something you want it's worth the wait.
It took me nearly six months (on/off though) to find my car, the ironic thing was I had to drive to Oakland to get. I got a really really clean NSX for a pretty reasonable price. So be patient.

Good lcuk
Hi Ravi,

Here's what I would do, in your position:

1. Search nationwide. Since you are finding that prices in California are higher than elsewhere, don't limit yourself to cars there. If you find a car in another city, you can have it inspected for mechanical condition by an experienced NSX tech (you can get a recommendation here for the most experienced one in any particular city) and/or for cosmetic condition by a knowledgeable NSX owner in the area (again, find one here on NSXprime).

2. Broaden your search. Specifically, I would suggest considering a '91-92 as well as a '93-94. The only big concerns about a '91-92 vs a '93-94 are: (a) the snap ring issue - not a big deal when you realize that there are twice as many '91 cars outside the snap ring range than there are '93-94 cars (and if you're considering a snap ring car, at worst you can always get it fixed for $2K); and (b) the window regulator issue, which is preventable with the installation of the $16 window fix-it thingies, if they haven't already been upgraded.

3. Understand the sources. Cars on Autotrader are mostly dealer cars - not all, but most. And dealers are rarely familiar with all the issues that distinguish a perfect used NSX from a mediocre one. With Autotrader, you are looking at the most listings, but your chances of any particular car meeting your needs are much lower. I think NSXprime's cars for sale forum will give you much better chances of finding a car that has been immaculately cared for by a true NSX enthusiast. Of course, it is not a guarantee, but your chances are better.

4. Be ready to move quickly. The ones that don't have all the "issues" you mention often are sold quickly. So when you find that perfect NSX you're looking for, grab it immediately!

5. And, finally, be patient. As noted above, the really nice used NSXs tend to sell quickly. So you will need to watch the various internet boards frequently, so that you find out as soon as "your perfect car" is posted. It may take you a day, a week, or a month. But, as long as you're willing to pay a fair market price, you should be able to find something within a month or two at the most.

Also, one car you might want to check out is a '92 white/black with 25K miles at The Last Detail, halfway between Chicago and Milwaukee. It might be a snap ring range car, but as noted above, that is totally fixable for $2K; and I think this car can otherwise probably meet your needs very well. And there are several highly-qualified places in this area that can do an inspection for you. For more information about it, contact Steve (SJJ 28 on these forums) at [email protected] or at 847-689-8822.
I also have 2 91 black blacks for sale, one with 12k miles, and one with 16 k miles, both absolutely pristine!!

Patience, my friend. Good things come to people who are willing for their 'good luck' to happen. After 18 months of vigilent, nation-wide searching, I got my 1993 Black/Black this week. I even went so far as to write a small data base application to keep track of the 200+ 91 - 94 NSXs I investigated.

The program is called AnalyNSX, and I believe it is on Prime for down load. It might be useful -- just to keep track of what you have seen.

Keep at it -- and hang in there.

hmmm, Ravi- hang in there bro'! It's all opportune timing, and even luck man.

I had made many attempts w/ the opportunities that I had in the past to try and acquire one... At one time there was the opportunity-cost of the investment (money making money as opposed to tieing it down on a car), then the timing of education/grad school (sacrifice today for a better tomorrow- as they say), then issues of urban ownership arose, AND then the dilemma of finding the right car for me. And when I was least expecting, it JUST happened...

Be patient & keep at it man!!!
Going crazy in your search for an romantic. :D

It's cliche, but "all good things come to those who wait."
The NSX is greater than just 'good', so you just have to wait a little longer. ;)
Took me 18 months of looking at over priced junk before I found my NSX. I searched a 600 mile radius from my home. Maybe you should increase your search area to find the car you are looking for.
Thanks for the advice guys. I do have analynsx, and I found it easy to use. I guess the search must go on. The used car market seems awfully soft right now, it's a great time to buy. Seems like a lot of "veteran" prime members are selling their rides now too--what gives?

I'm going nuts! ... I feel like I'm reaching the end of the road here--can anyone give me any tips? I'm trying to keep hope alive.
Ravi, what is it about 91-92 that you dislike? By limiting your search to 93-94 you have cut-out the bulk of the OBDI NSX's. Hoenstly, if me, I would not eliminate 91-92. Secondly: You just hate black? You just eliminated another huge chuck of cars. Sure everyone has favorite colors, but I honestly don't think there is an NSX I wouldn't own based on color (yes I know it's subjective).
Market soft? Well, not in your case!

If you change your mind about years, color, and being in Cali, you might just find the NSX of your dreams. ;)
Re: A year

Inexcess said:
Took me a year of waiting and it showed up 50 miles from home.

Same story took me about 9 months, i flew from TX to NY, CT, PA......almost gave up, but i kept on searchint....checking on the internet every night (,, ebay, ect....). 3 weeks ago, the car showed up on and only 30 miles from my house, i call the owner the very first day it listed...i went to inspect the car and bought it right then.....Just HANG IN THERE.....

Here is my link

Good luck on your search....just don't give up!!!:)
KGP said:
You just hate black? You just eliminated another huge chuck of cars. Sure everyone has favorite colors, but I honestly don't think there is an NSX I wouldn't own based on color (yes I know it's subjective).
I would never own a black NSX. It's not just a matter of personal preference. Black is a maintenance nightmare when it comes to keeping it clean and shiny. And it's incredibly hot in the summer. No offense to those who own and prefer black NSXs. But it's sure easy for me to understand why some would prefer to exclude black from a search.

You can look at the numbers to see the effect of broadening your search in various ways. Take all the '91-94 cars. If you knock out the '91-92 cars, you are eliminating 80 percent of the '91-94 cars. If you eliminate those that are outside of California, you are eliminating 70 percent of the cars. If you eliminate the black ones, you are skipping 37 percent of the cars. Now decide which of those criteria are important to you, and how you'd like to broaden your search.
I'm going nuts! It's got to be a good 6 months of searching day in and day out with no favorable results. Seems like every car I check out is either beat up, has a hidden history, or is just too far away. I've checked,, our own classifieds on prime, and even local papers with some leads, but no cigar.

I was always under the impression that perhaps my proximity to the bay area would make it easy to find one, but noo! Seems like everyone in California thinks their car is worth a good $5-7k over what nationwide prices dictate.

I feel like I'm reaching the end of the road here--can anyone give me any tips? I'm trying to keep hope alive. It's not like I'm looking for some unreasonable deal--my budget is fair--it's just that supply is low:( . I can only hope to find my 93-94 NSX in CA.



Stockton -

Your signature used to include others years as well (I know at least 95), and I sent you a message forever ago about my 95 that I was selling, but I never heard back from you.

I think sometimes people make it harder than it needs to be to buy their NSX. There are plenty for sale on this site alone, not to mention Autotrader, Ebay, and local dealers. I know you have a right to be super picky and patient, but my tip to you would be to also be realistic in your search, and reply to people when they respond to your requests.
nsxtasy said:
I would never own a black NSX. It's not just a matter of personal preference. Black is a maintenance nightmare when it comes to keeping it clean and shiny. And it's incredibly hot in the summer.

I have owned a few black vehicles and all of the above is true, IMO. Black also shows every fine scratch when the car is in the sunlight.
First and foremost: My color choice isn't really based on preferance--it is religious. My family is extremely religious--so much so that when we buy cars, it's deemed as buying "metal", which is unauspicious. By then buying "black metal", it is deemed even more unauspicious. So if you think about it, I'm not really being too selective. I have to admit though, even if I could buy black, I wouldn't.;)

The reason I am steering away from the early model year cars is because there seems to be some attached yet non existant stigma to them. When I look at a car made in 1991, that's not just an NSX--it's a 13 year old car. That car is 70% of my age! I know this argument is border line "slippery slope" but still--my personal deductive reasoning alone will not let me look at the 91-92 year. The problems attributed to them are also reason to steer clear.

Todd, I'm sorry I didn't respond to your PM. I am usually very prompt with replying to genuine requests--as was yours. It was a slight oversight, and absolutely nothing personal. I was looking for targa cars in my early months of search, but realized that the targa may be more a nuisance rather than a luxury. Further, the extent of OBD2 tuning scared me, so I decided to go with earlier model years. Your distance away from me didn't help either--I have an extremely busy school schedule which doesn't allow me to have much free time even on holidays/summer.

This is what keeps my search in CA. At least if I find something, I can drive down and check it out. I must admit I've been looking at other cars now too--just the mere frustration alone has lead me to look for a different option. Among them I have looked at Z06's (plentiful ahha:D ) as well as Supras (harder to find than NSX's! :rolleyes: ), and 03+ Cobras (also plentiful:D ). I don't have an absolutely concrete plan yet, but my lack of results and need for instant gratification will probably end in me getting a different car. After all, at the end of the day it is just transportation ;). I'm sorry for writing a novel on this post, just wanted to elaborate on what I had said before.

Warm regards:

The reason I am steering away from the early model year cars is because there seems to be some attached yet non existant stigma to them. When I look at a car made in 1991, that's not just an NSX--it's a 13 year old car. That car is 70% of my age!
That "stigma" is all in your head. Keep in mind that a 13-year-old NSX is not like any 13 year old car; just to cite one example, the average mileage on an NSX is 5K/year, which is about one third the average of most cars. But hey - if you don't want a 1991-92 NSX, that's up to you. I just think it's rather silly to claim that you don't want "a 13 year old car" but to claim that you want "an 11 year old car". :rolleyes:

You've gotten a lot of advice here, advice that would be great for someone who was seriously planning to buy an NSX. But, between not wanting a '91-92, and not wanting to consider anything that isn't close to home, without any credible justification, it seems that you are more interested in dreaming up excuses for not buying an NSX, than you are in buying an NSX. Right now, you're just wasting a lot of your time with your "search" for an NSX that you don't really want. And now, some of ours, too. So I would suggest that instead of asking for tips and ignoring them, you might want to instead start giving some serious thought about what you really want, and then get it.

Good luck with your Mustang or Corvette.
The reason I am steering away from the early model year cars is because there seems to be some attached yet non existant stigma to them. When I look at a car made in 1991, that's not just an NSX--it's a 13 year old car. That car is 70% of my age! I know this argument is border line "slippery slope" but still--my personal deductive reasoning alone will not let me look at the 91-92 year. The problems attributed to them are also reason to steer clear.

Being the design has not changed on the NSX through the years buying a 93-94 to aviod issues like climate control or window regulators is not going to happen. I think I would prefer to buy an earlier car where these issues have already failed and been fixed rather than a newer car that still has the issue because of design and is still going to fail, leaving you the one to foot the repair bill. A well maintained 91-92 with the known issues repaired IMO is worth more than a 93-94 that has not failed yet.
nsxtasy said:
That "stigma" is all in your head. Keep in mind that a 13-year-old NSX is not like any 13 year old car; just to cite one example, the average mileage on an NSX is 5K/year, which is about one third the average of most cars. But hey - if you don't want a 1991-92 NSX, that's up to you. I just think it's rather silly to claim that you don't want "a 13 year old car" but to claim that you want "an 11 year old car". :rolleyes:

I agree, I said that it's a slippery slope. It may be in my head, but still it's there, and that is reason enough for me to not want those years.

You've gotten a lot of advice here, advice that would be great for someone who was seriously planning to buy an NSX. But, between not wanting a '91-92, and not wanting to consider anything that isn't close to home, without any credible justification, it seems that you are more interested in dreaming up excuses for not buying an NSX, than you are in buying an NSX. Right now, you're just wasting a lot of your time with your "search" for an NSX that you don't really want. And now, some of ours, too. So I would suggest that instead of asking for tips and ignoring them, you might want to instead start giving some serious thought about what you really want, and then get it.

Good luck with your Mustang or Corvette.

Nsxtasy, I must say that I heartily disagree here. I have not ignored anyone! Just because I choose not to do something does not mean that I am ignoring them:rolleyes: . I don't think I am wasting my time, or anyone elses. After all, this a public forum--I am sure I am not the only one here that doesn't currently own the NSX. I did not ask for you to specifically post in this thread, or anyone else. I am very appreciative of the fact that users here gave tips, some of which I have dismissed for personal reasons. I see nothign wrong in that, but I do see that you have jumped to conclusions for no apparent reason. I haven't taken any offense, just defending my points. Thanks for the "luck" on finding another car.


Nsxtasy, I must say that I heartily disagree here. I have not ignored anyone! Just because I choose not to do something does not mean that I am ignoring them:rolleyes: . I don't think I am wasting my time, or anyone elses. After all, this a public forum--I am sure I am not the only one here that doesn't currently own the NSX. I did not ask for you to specifically post in this thread, or anyone else. I am very appreciative of the fact that users here gave tips, some of which I have dismissed for personal reasons. I see nothign wrong in that, but I do see that you have jumped to conclusions for no apparent reason. I haven't taken any offense, just defending my points. Thanks for the "luck" on finding another car.


Coming here and asking for advice about a NSX and then not taking the advice is like going to the doctor because you are sick and then not filling the prescription the doctor writes. If you die from the sickness who is to blame?
steveny said:
Coming here and asking for advice about a NSX and then not taking the advice is like going to the doctor because you are sick and then not filling the prescription the doctor writes. If you die from the sickness who is to blame?


Sounds like someone has O.C.D. when it comes to NSX's:eek:

I think the only diference between a 91-92 and 93-94 is a passenger side airbag and a freakin cup holder....It seems you think every 91-92 is in snap ring range or something.....Get over your issues and your search will be alot easier....

Good luck.
Ravi, my friend, your stigma serves absolutely no purpose other than making your NSX unnecessarily elusive.

As Ken pointed out, for every 93-94 NSX out there, there are four 91-92s. Choosing not to increase the size of your pool of potential cars by 400% makes me think that someone with your intellect should spend a few minutes expunging the so-called 91-92 stigma of from your head rather than throwing more time and effort into your search.

I’m curious: What is it exactly that worries you about 91-92s? I’m not sure so I’ll try to guess: Window regulators? Most have been replaced or fixed by now. If you get one that hasn’t, let me know and I’ll send you the Dali Fix-its. Climate control issues? It’s not just 91-92s and is generally not a very big deal, anway. Snap-ring? It’s absolute ridiculous to eliminate all 91-92s for this reason since so few cars were affected and since it’s so easy to know for sure if it’s in range. That’s it - I can’t think of anything else and can’t think of why these issues would make me want to overlook 80% of the market.

You wrote “that's not just an NSX--it's a 13 year old car” and I’m a bit surprised by this statement. It seems rather arbitrary to draw the line at 11 years since there were essentially no changes. Besides, I’m sure you know the NSX is not built and does not perform like most cars. It does not age like most cars either.

So, rather than focusing on year, I would suggest expanding your search to include 91-92, then narrow the field based on important attributes like condition, maintenance, price, etc. Maybe seeing some nice, well-maintained 91-92s in person will change your mind.

I know I’ve not said much that others have not already pointed out, but I still wanted to give you my advice. I hope it helps. Good luck!