My new plate:

It is not my intent to offend anybody with the plate, and I hope I have not.:redface:

mk, when I read your plate, my 1st reaction was the use of the slang word "JAP". While not offensive to me it maybe to others who may do nasty things to your car. Just food for thought if/when your in an Asian neighborhood. My .02
MKNmoves will get his but probably not anyone else. I saw a minivan in Charlotte about a year ago with "IH8 485"

Also, MKNmoves, do you live in the ballantyne area? I saw a late model, yellow NSX leaving turning out onto ballantyne commons the other day and I immediately wondered if it was you. If it was, your NSX looked great. I almost crashed rubber necking. You should give this pharmacy student a ride sometime :tongue:
I dont get the plate. What does the 4RE stand for? A Jap Are? What does that mean?

Ferrari...or fourareeee (4RE). JAP stands for Japanese (major insult word is JAPAN). So it means the NSX is a Japanese Ferrari. Some say, the car was built to put the Ferrari on notice that Acura (Honda) could build cars just as good if not better than Ferrari. Actually I believe it scared the $hit out of Ferrari.........
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Ferrari...or fourareeee (4RE). JAP stands for Japanese (major insult word is JAPAN). So it means the NSX is a Japanese Ferrari. Some say, the car was built to put the Ferrari on notice that Acura (Honda) could build cars just as good if not better than Ferrari. Actually I believe it scared the $hit out of Ferrari.........

Ok oh, makes sense. Im terrible at figureing out peoples license plates.

I belive they did scare Ferrari. In 1991, the Ferrari may have the mystique but i think the NSX was the better car. Of course, Ferrari then moved onto the 355, then the 360, then the F430 and Honda pretty much kept the same car
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Seen this one today.

MKNmoves will get his but probably not anyone else. I saw a minivan in Charlotte about a year ago with "IH8 485"

Also, MKNmoves, do you live in the ballantyne area? I saw a late model, yellow NSX leaving turning out onto ballantyne commons the other day and I immediately wondered if it was you. If it was, your NSX looked great. I almost crashed rubber necking. You should give this pharmacy student a ride sometime :tongue:

I get it: IH8 485

I don't live in the ballantyne area, I live in the NODA area close to uptown.

I am up there a bit so it may have been me. I heard there is another Yellow in the Ballantyne area but it is the older style.

If you need a ride let me know, I am normally in that area on Sunday after Church.
Ive always wanted a tag thats very hard to remember.


"Sir, its a .... ... L...or is that a I? Followed by either a zero, or big O or a little 0 or a zero. Followed by another L or a number 1."
glad you guys like it :)

a female former co-worker of mine (we're the same age) damned near wet her pants from laughing so hard when she saw it. i often see people in the car behind me laughing as they read it.

best thing about the plate / car combo is that i can drive it for >4 hrs w/out seeing a doctor :biggrin: