Since the Downforce scoop has a relatively air tight seal to the stock airbox, it can potentially have a ram-air effect and increase power at speed.
Not even at Veyron speeds. :tongue:
"test NACA did in 1948 provided both the math and the test results to show that the Ram Air effect is nearly useless below about 320 mph. It seems that Ram Air is a dynamic function that is proportional to the square of the air velocity. As such, at 75 mph the gain in air density is about 7/10ths of one percent, or .007 percent. At sea level you'll be getting 14.8 PSI instead of the standard 14.7 PSI. But that's in a perfect world. Ram Air is generally considered to be only about 75% efficient, so in truth at 75mph you are gaining only about 1/2 of one percent. This begins to ramp up as you get faster. At 150 mph the density increase is 2.75% (2.06% adjusted) which is probably helpful in some way but is still in the "nearly impossible to measure" category. At 350 mph the increase in density is in the 15% range and this is where Ram Air becomes usable."
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