My never ending battle with exhaust leaks

12 December 2006
Hey guys,
I have a comptech headers and exhaust in my car. I believe that I have the older style headers because it is using a slip joint and from what I have been seeing, the comptech headers you buy new these days don't have the same design as mine.

Ever since I got the car, I've been battling with an exhaust leak coming from the slip-joints (3 small tubes going inside a big tube). So I finally decided to bring it to the shop to fix the leak and install the test pipes. Unfortunately, it started leaking again and its actually worse than before and it is coming from the slip-joint.

My question is, anybody having the same issues as me? I seriously just want to weld that slip-joint shut but I obviously cannot do that. What can I do to fix this leak?

One suggestion I got from the shop is to use this part where they weld tabs and install springs and bolts. You tighten the bolts and the spring holds everything tight. I've never seen that in an exhaust but sounds like a good plan.

The other thing I saw searching around here is using a v-band. It looks like a big clamp and clamps the slip joint. I like this idea since I can do it myself.

And oh lastly, I just saw this..

It's called stepped-band clamp, it looks like a better clamp and it seems perfect to use for the slip-joint.

What do you guys think about these ideas?

Thanks so much for your help.

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I have headers with a RM exhaust and their connection is a slip joint with no clamps or welds (it allows slight movement between them). Although I have slight exhaust seepage through this connection I have been told that it is normal and correctly installed (the headers and exhaust were installed by the leading NSX tuner at the time - RM Racing).
Good Luck and Happy Motoring!
Sorry Nim I dont have any ideas to offer but I was wondering how you know you have the exhaust leak? Can you hear it? Is there a way to test for it without having to get under the car while its on and listen?
yeah you get a small mirror like the kind the dentist uses and move the mirror around were you think the leak might be coming from and you will see the engine's breath on the mirror. it hot air so it will show.
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Roger you can easily hear it when you're beside a wall while driving. To confirm it though, I started the car while everything is cold then went under and ran my hand around where the slip joints are and feel for air coming out. Sure enough there was air and pretty strong too.

You dont need to jack the car up, my car is low but when you have an idea where the joints are its pretty easy. Just make it quick, the pipes gets hot fast.
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Roger you can easily hear it when you're beside a wall while driving. To confirm it though, I started the car while everything is cold then went under and ran my hand around where the slip joints are and feel for air coming out. Sure enough there was air and pretty strong too.

You dont need to jack the car up, my car is low but when you have an idea where the joints are its pretty easy. Just make it quick, the pipes gets hot fast.

cool...thanks....I need to check this. BTW I have used those band clamps successfully on another car before.
Get near the exhaust and have some one give a bit of gas, (while cold off course) hear and see...

If the car is up in the air run your hand around the exhaust system (while cold off course)

Now i've heard of band clamps seeping a tiny bit before.
Although if you add liquid (or paste) exhaust gasket whilst assembling/installing you shouldn't have any problem what so ever,
I've been using this white-stuff exhaust sealer and smear the crap out of it and wait couple of days to cure. That works for I don't know, a half-day of driving. lol.

I am going to try the permatex ultra-copper tonight (supposedly the best gasket maker in the market right now) and let it cure. Come saturday I will wrap it with exhaust tape called tiger patch, then wrap the joints with exhaust wrap, and then use an exhaust clamp over it.

Its an over kill but I am so sick of this leak.. and I hope it lasts.

Why not have them professionally tig welded instead of making a mess out of them with all sorts of goop - after that you won't even be able to weld them even if you want to.
I've been using this white-stuff exhaust sealer and smear the crap out of it and wait couple of days to cure. That works for I don't know, a half-day of driving. lol.

I am going to try the permatex ultra-copper tonight (supposedly the best gasket maker in the market right now) and let it cure. Come saturday I will wrap it with exhaust tape called tiger patch, then wrap the joints with exhaust wrap, and then use an exhaust clamp over it.

Its an over kill but I am so sick of this leak.. and I hope it lasts.

Well that's not the way to go,

First of all align everything up straight get everything secured in there proper place. (hard to put in words how to do)

Sand down the pipe get it smooth

Get ether exhaust sealer or "GumGum" apply to the edges of the band clamp slide it in to place check if it's all sealed up correctly then tighten up the bolts properly keep everything straight and tight.

This should do it, although i'm not completely understanding getting how you can't get a seal after what you have done.

It a super easy job.
Now you could also have a shop TIG weld a flange and get a standard exhaust flange gasket.
I actually didn't do what I said.. lol. I didn't realize the tiger patch is a permanent fix. yikes.. I smeared it with permatex copper and that's been working so far..

Thank you
