My First NSX

23 July 2003
Portland, OR
Let me introduce myself...I'm Tim from Portland, OR. I've been visiting this forum every day for the last 3 months, learning all I can before buying my first NSX. This forum has been a wonderful source of information. Thanks to everyone here.

After 60 days of researching the internet for every possible late model NSX available, I finally made a deal with Acura of Brookfield, Wisconsin on a flawless red/black 00' NSX with only 2,800 miles, and Acura is perfect! With 2,400 miles between Milwaukee and Portland, I thought...what better way to get to know the car than to pick it up and drive it home.

Last Sunday I flew to Milwaukee and stayed the night. Annie, the sales rep, picked me up at the airport hotel the next morning and delivered me to the dealership. There I met John Vasos the service manager who spent considerable time with me going over the car. I can't thank the folks at Brookfield Acura enough...the entire purchase experience was exceptional.

My plan was to drive 600 miles per day home to Portland, making the trip in 4 days. The first night was spent in Mitchell, SD...famous for their Corn Palace...whoopie!

Day 2, my destination for the night was Billings, MT. On my way I see like a zillion Harleys heading east. It's the end of Bike Week In Sturgis, so I decide to stop there. What an experience. Here I am in a red NSX surrounded by a sea of black Harkeys. At the gas station I had at least 30 bikers asking me questions about the NSX. They loved it! Some even had their pictures taken next to it. There I also met a dozen guys and one biker chick all heading to Montana. It was hot as hell...106 degrees, so I bought a cooler chest, filled it with ice and Gatorade for my new friends and headed west. These guys were was the chick...even though the nicest compliment I could pay her was..."That's a beautiful tooth you have." We cruised at a steady 100 MPH thru South Dakota, Wyoming and Montana, stopping at every other rest area to cool down. We seperated at Billings. It was a great day!

Day 3's destination was Coeur d' Alend, ID. What a sweet resort town. First thing on arrival was to wash off the bug collection, check into a motel within waling distance of Main Street, shower, and head for the nearest bar...Crickets. Sitteing at the bar eating chicken fingers, I'm joined by 5 really beautiful girls enjoying their night off as coctail waitresses. Lucky me...they took a liking to this old fart and dragged me around the rest of the night, not letting me pay for a thing. I'm really liking this road trip!!

Last day, I didn't want to end. I ended up taking the long way home to Portland through Ellensburg and Yakima, WA.

So after my first 2,400 miles...what do I think? Well I shouldn't have told my wife about the girls in Coeur d' Alene...I'm in trouble. But the car is the greatest car I've ever owned. I can't believe how comfortable this car is on a long road trip. The seats are incredible. I've owned several 911's and recently a C-5...they don't compare in my estimation. This car has everything! I'll be keeping this NSX for a long time.

Hope to meet some of you at NSXPO 03'...and thanks again for all the valuable information you've shared.

Great story Tim! That must have been a blast driving at 100 mph for such sustained distances. :D

Please post pictures....
road trip is always good right after you purchasing an NSX. i wish my trip on the way home was a little longer.
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tararan said:
road trip is always good right after you purchasing and NSX

Agreed. I drove mine from Houston to Sacramento, 2000 miles, and it was AWESOME!! I totally sympathize with Tim's excitement about the drive.
Nice report. I am in the same spot as you were 30 days ago. I have it narrowed down to a couple of cars. What did you do to have the car checked out? Service at the dealership or did you make them take it somewhere else? Maybe you just threw caution to the wind.

As it was a 00. Your chances of an issue are less than mine as I will be getting an older model.

Just curious, as I am working through the details of my upcoming road trip. Sure is different shoping for a car with distance not being a consideration.

By the way I'm from Vancouver WA so I know the drive you made. Very nice scenic.

Thanks for your input and congradulations.

Tim, congratulations and thanks for posting your story. I did a similar trip when I bought my '91 this past spring. Toronto to Calgary was about 2200 miles -- easy to do such a great car. Of course I don't recall any girls whisking me around town on my trip. Doh...knew I should have taken the south road.. :)
Nice writeup. Similar to my trip from Fargo, ND, to California. Did it in one day switching off driving duties with my friend. I was going to have the car transported but decided to drive and experience the NSX as well as see parts of the country I've never been to before.

Enjoy your NSX!
Vytas said:
Nice writeup. Similar to my trip from Fargo, ND, to California. Did it in one day switching off driving duties with my friend. I was going to have the car transported but decided to drive and experience the NSX as well as see parts of the country I've never been to before.

Enjoy your NSX!

Vytas i like your avatar......would that happen to be you behind the joy stick ?
I agree, the trip home (mine from Seattle to Dallas) was some of the best time I spent with my NSX. The best time was at the track, but three days with just me and the car came really close.