My FIRST drive of an NSX!!!!!!!!!!!!

NeoNSX said:
forgot to add... i couldnt' sleep last night; my mind was retracing the drive and conversation.

today i had to pick up a mate at 9:10am... except i arrived at his house at 8:10am... i was an hour early! stupid me got up too early -- it's the NSX's fault! :D
Neo....It looks like you have that same feeling when you first fall in love with a beautiful become all puddle headed, and you start to forget things......your mind ends up being somewhere else. :D

BTW...What car do you drive now????
Hows it all going mate? Calm down yet or a you still jumpy need a fix? always happy to spread the love man.

Glad that i will always be in your memories. You always remember when you lose your virginity but you cant be bragging to everyone that you lose it to a guy like me. :D :D :D You sure you want the same Consentino???? (anytime email me)

Hopefully you can take it for a bit longer on the cruise. Nico is that a confirmation of a drive date September 18-19 or is the car going to be in autosalon? I want to go on a cruise bad. I might be coming up to Sydney next month so hopefully can contact Grant for a makeshift drive.

Now if i can only get rid of this pesky emailer always thanking me!:D :D :D
dippy9 said:
Glad that i will always be in your memories. You always remember when you lose your virginity but you cant be bragging to everyone that you lose it to a guy like me. :D :D :D You sure you want the same Consentino???? (anytime email me)

Thanks for the offer mate......but I don't know if I want Neo's 'sloppy seconds' :D :D
Well Consentino you are a lucky man because as the name sates "NSXXX" my car is a bit of a whore i let anyway with a passion drive her (even though she is still complaining about letting some GRANDMA drive her on Saturday, stalling 4 not 3 times now now NEO no need to lie:D :D ).

Looks like the GOR drive is coming round just nice, waiting on the confirmation from Nico as to whether the 1st or the 8th of August. CANT WAIT.
LOL... this thread is going downhill... most of the guys on prime think Australia is refered to as "down-under" because we have lots of hot women like Miss.Universe 2004... not because we're at the bottom. (although we're proving that today :D) It's okay Cosentino, i was gentle with her.

haha... yeah, i drove like a grandma because i drive a "nanna's car" during the week. :D But I stalled it four times? Anyone take five times? Seriously, it was only once... (hahah... i'll fight the lies with misinformation. ;) )

Your photos came out nice. Mine are being developed today. Will post soon. Was going to thank you again for a great day but.... how many times have i already done that? Wanna make up another figure? :D ROFL... j/k
Neo....It looks like you have that same feeling when you first fall in love with a beautiful become all puddle headed, and you start to forget things......your mind ends up being somewhere else. :D

I know what you mean. Except this 'beautiful woman' didn't go cold and dump me by the side of the road, and back over me a few times. oh wait... too much information. :D :D :D :p

BTW...What car do you drive now????

A slow, not-low-enough piece of crap with four wheels but no soul. :D's not that bad - it's just a holden nova. :rolleyes: nothing worth mentioning.

I seriously have to get back to work or i'll never get anything done! :p I'll have to fire myself! :D
Guys I'll confirm by wednesday exactly which weekend but as I was saying to Neo it'd be better for me if it was sat so I still have the energy to drive back up to sydney on sunday night. work on monday :(
Hey Effer, i missed your questions until now.

How did you enjoy the engine sound?

It was nothing short of incredible. Just like all the video's i've downloaded over the years, except you can feel it. It was a bit like turning up a stereo and feeling the bass notes pass through you...

and its crisp handling?

The handling was very stiff, which i liked. It reminded me of an older car i used to drive which had no power steering; it really felt like i had control of the car. I must admit, i had a little trouble with 3-point turns... power steering makes you go soft, but it was good. Very responsive.

and its powerful braking?

I didn't want to brake too heavily (lol, Dippy will say because i drove like a grandma? :D) ... but i gave the brakes a bit of a test, and with just a tap they kicked in nicely -- but not too much. I'm not too fond of stiff brakes where the smallest tap causes you to pull up in a screaming hurry. Likewise, i dislike brakes where you have to floor it and they still don't pull up quickly enough. In short, the brakes were PERFECT. :)

and its ergonomy ( like the shifter feel ) ?

The shifter i LOVED... the short gearshift throws have spoiled me now, and clutch was awesome... although Dippy said he's changed the clutch. The clutch was not too firm and very forgiving.

I'm just short of 6'2", so i've always wondered how comfortable the cabin would be. I had absolutely no problems. I think losers who generalize that Japanese cars don't accomodate tall people are unjustified.

Another ergonomic feature would be the lowness of the car and getting into it. I've been in some low cars and they can be a little awkward getting into. (ie the door doesn't open enough, the door is hard to close, and it's too easy to hit your head on the roof). No such problems with the NSX. i found you just "slide" in... and the door shutting action is smooth and the lock doesn't require slamming.

lastly, i've already mentioned it but it's worth mentioning again... the visability was great; very few blindspots in the front, and with the exception of the B-pillar behind the driver, the sides and rear were relatively clear. Dippy had a little wide-angle mirror on the driver's side mirror which reduced the blindspot to the drivers rightside (remember we're RHD here) dramatically. Without that wide-angle mirror, it could be a little difficult seeing what's beside you, but that's a problem with most cars.

and its continuous acceleration?

You mean this:

The NSX just WANTED me to speed!!! :D i had to keep pulling my speed back.

The NSX is the most powerful car i've driven now... i don't know why you'd want anything faster. :D
i didn't really "gun it"... lol... although i had the owner sitting next to me telling me too. I <B>LOVED</B> the throw back when accelerating hard. Unlike some other 'fast' cars i've been in, it didn't throw me back for just a second - but when dippy was driving it HELD ME BACK in my seat! I really really really liked that. :cool:

...and as i've said earlier, i LOVE 2nd gear.... i went to 80Kph in that gear before shifting.
Would loved to have gone faster but I didn't want to go beyond the speed limit.

i loved how when i put my foot down, there was instant responsiveness and instant power.

I could talk myself happy for the next 10 years about that one driving experience... now i gotta go get one of my own...
... so i can let other people try the NSXperience. :D
dippy9 said:
The dark side is overwhelming you, you will come over to the dark side my son and we will rule the world together ahhahahaha!

Somebody buy this man a Darth Vader suit... ;)
Actually, your voice is soooo deep on your voicemail... plus you have a badboy black NSX... hmm... i'm seeing connections here... :p
Wow Neo! Congrats! This is just another great example of the NSX community. Dippy I think it is great that you allow others to experience the thrill of driving the NSX. :)
Wow thanks man, i say what is the use of having something and not being able to share with the people who deserve it! I have a photo of his ugly mug with the biggest smile on his face and that just said it all!!

If you can brighten up someones life like that why not? Even though the car is still knocking out the cobwebs from going so slow! :D :D :D
Hey NEO,
Congrads on your drive.
Too bad my gold X didn't take the first stab of your NSX-virginity, but that's all right though... I have something in the trunk of my X will devirginize you again. And how about 8k in every gear? you can stomp on the brakes till the peddal goes through the wall and you can do it all by yourself in the car!
I think Dippy is overwhelm with your excitements :)
You are a trip NEO when it comes to NSX..;)
NeoNSX said:
...and as i've said earlier, i LOVE 2nd gear.... i went to 80Kph in that gear before shifting.
Would loved to have gone faster but I didn't want to go beyond the speed limit.
Tsk tsk Neo... 2nd gear is what you downshift to when you're doing 80 and want to really accelerate! Case in point... a friend of mine was driving my NSX last weekend and we got out onto the highway doing about 90-95 km/h in fourth gear. We finally found an open stretch. I advised him to downshift to 2nd... he made me confirm twice that I did mean "second"!

You must redline 2nd to fully lose your NSX virginity. (Better yet, 3rd!) What you did was just some heavy breathing and talking dirty! :D :D
ROFL... you guys crack me up.

I have gone on and on about the NSX, but the real highlight was meeting Dippy. He reflects what the NSX community is all about; being kind hearted, patient (esp. when I allegedly stalled it ;) ), and a love for fast cars. We even talked about Lambo's, Ferrari's and Aston Martins... and the MYNSX which is an NSX in its own dimension. :) Exotic cars are not just about the prestige like some Ferrari/Porsche snobs think. It was a privilege to meet up with someone who is crazy about the NSX even more than I am.
Anyway, I'll stop going on about how great Dippy is :p ...but i'll continue if Dippy insists. :p I already sound like a total suck. :D
Hey Neo!

NeoNSX said:

I'm just short of 6'2", so i've always wondered how comfortable the cabin would be. I had absolutely no problems.
Is it you taken taking the picture of the NSX? If so, I believe you!

Originally posted by NeoNSX
The NSX is the most powerful car i've driven now... i don't know why you'd want anything faster. :D
Once you're hooked! But overall the NSX is a very tough car to beat. Most of the time you can't tell by your own senses which car is faster than the other, especially if you don't drive them back to back in the same conditions...

Originally posted by NeoNSX
I could talk myself happy for the next 10 years about that one driving experience... now i gotta go get one of my own...

Quoted from Mark Galarneau:

"That's what I learned most -- the CAR somehow made people happy. It was an uplifting experience for most people just to be next to it. This car had the ability to make people (who didn't even own it) feel good!!!"

from this thread!

Originally posted by NeoNSX
so i can let other people try the NSXperience. :D
This is very nice from you.

92NSX said:
Glad to know you finally got a chance to drive one. Had I known that, I would've shipped mine to you to put some miles on it for me.:D need to catch up with me. :D
<B>effer</B> : Yes, that is me taking the photo of the NSX. The ultimate test will be with my best mate who is 6'7"... I need him to fit. That might be my excuse to get an NSX-T. ;)

My little comment about not wanting anything faster was to stir up a little trouble from the guys who want MORE POWER. :D

That quote of Mark Galarneau is so true. I've saved that for future use.

<B>92NSX</B> : :D Talk is cheap... :D LOL Very kind thought, but you wouldn't be allowed to ship it into the country.
92NSX said:
That will never happen. Although if the wife gets her way, she might be driving it more often soon.

If that happens, you may as well just ship it marked 'one way' to me. ;)

It's been a week since my first drive... and it's still on my mind. :dreamy sigh: