My custom license plate

16 May 2003
Santa Clara, CA
license plate

After spending a good 2 hours on the CA DMV website, trying to come up with a custom plate for my NSX, I decided on "C8H18." C8H18 is the chemical formula for octane. Technically, it should be written CH3(CH2)6CH3, but oh well.

Being a chemical eng and a car nut, it seemed to make sense. Maybe I'll put it on my Cuda instead. I haven't decided if it fits the NSX persona.

This increases my geek score I believe. :rolleyes:
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Be prepared to be asked:

"So... what the hell does THAT mean?"

I had a hard time coming up with a custom plate for my NSX. I applied for HAVNSX but it was denied.

I came up with two others. One was a little tricky. I asked friends and coworkers what they thought and which one should I get. I was asked every single time what the tricky one meant. It all came out to a tie between the two plates... I picked the easy one just because I got tired of people asking me what the hell it meant. :)

I finally got the notice on Saturday that I was approved. Can't wait to pick it up!
Haha, HAVNSX is good! Too bad they wouldn't let it fly. My personal favorites were already taken, which were SCALPEL, and F16 JR.

So, what was your final choice for your plate?
Well, I tried picking it up today. It wasn't centered right... even though that damn online DMV showed that it was... plus I followed the advice of ANYTIME but they still got it wrong. (I haven't seen ANYTIME make one wrong post or comment.)

The plates now have to go through again... so I won't say what it is... I hope I don't get denied this time... that would SUCK. (It's not as bad as HAVNSX... but it may still get denied... knowing how lame the system is.)
Re: license plate

Autophile said:
After spending a good 2 hours on the CA DMV website, trying to come up with a custom plate for my NSX, I decided on "C8H18." C8H18 is the chemical formula for octane. Technically, it should be written CH3(CH2)6CH3, but oh well.

Being a chemical eng and a car nut, it seemed to make sense. Maybe I'll put it on my Cuda instead. I haven't decided if it fits the NSX persona.


I wanted to figure out what "C8H18" meant before completely reading through your post. Here's what I came up with:

"Cate Hatin' "

I thought you had an ex-girlfriend named Cate and you absolutely hate her! Ha ha. Then you explained the chemistry stuff....TOTALLY way off! :D

This increases my geek score I believe. :rolleyes:

By ten-fold. ;)
Many might not understand the shortened nomenclature for octane, perhaps NACLY1 or XXC03. Thinking about busting out the old O chem book to help you out on this one:D
Update, for all three of you who have been following this thread (hehe).

The C8H18 plate is going on my Cuda.

My new NSX plate will be 'F16 CPE.' Translation hint: My car is not an F16 Targa, it's an....

I think it fits an NSX better than 'C8H18,' especially since the Cuda is the high octane gas hog, not the NSX.:)
