My Custom Interior - Picture Intensive

One thing i would change would be to put the amp mount behind the drivers seat, as i lost about 1.5 inches of allowing the passanger seat to move back. I didn't really lose any footroom with the sub, still plenty of room.

Yes, the first thing I thought of was, "why put that behind the passenger seat?" but man it looks great. I have way too much amp in my trunk and have thought of going the Alpine route behind the seat. Thanks for posting your photos because I think I'll have to try this behind the driver's seat someday.

Also, looks like the shop forgot to remount your OBDII connection under the glove box. There is room to do this - the PSU should not prevent it. (At least mine didn't)

Great looking system! Lots of new ideas for the community to ponder. Enjoy!
I relay like the new look the way every thing is molded in, very nice work.

The only thing I’m not to fond of is the vents they just don’t fit anything in the car. I would have gone with something rectangle that matches the door vents.
I relay like the new look the way every thing is molded in, very nice work.

The only thing I’m not to fond of is the vents they just don’t fit anything in the car. I would have gone with something rectangle that matches the door vents.

I thought along time about putting the round airvents in and considered the rectangle door vents for sure. However, I feel that it works because the rectangle vents are in the doors and not the front dash like most vehicles, and if you look closely the trim on the door vents, there is a soft rounded corner giving less of a rectangular appearance.

Also, i think the round vents flow nicely with the round cluster gauges and the round center of the aftermarket steerwheel, all of which have matching chrome bezel rings around them tieing it all togther. The rectangle vents i feel date the car, which i was trying to get away from. Most of the newer cars seem to be going with the round vents. It won't be everyones look, but i can say in person it looks even better and actually flows very well with the overall look of the interior.
Not exactly my cup of tea but I can certainly appreciate the skill of workmanship and attention to detail it took.

Mucho respect!
D, looks great. Looks like it was worth the wait. I bet Mike is jealous, haha.
Great work on your install. Was that a woofer in the trunk? if so, does it work well when u are in the car listening to it?
3 months is worth the wait.
Great work on your install. Was that a woofer in the trunk? if so, does it work well when u are in the car listening to it?
3 months is worth the wait.

No, the woofer is in the passenger floorboard. Sounds even better than the car looks actually. I was quite amazed really.
Not to be overly dramatic or anything, but that is the single greatest NSX interior I have ever seen :biggrin: I have never been much of a fan of modded interiors especially in the NSX but I would do a setup like that in a heartbeat. Congratulations, it takes a lot of time and dedication to do something like that. I look forward to seeing it in person someday :)
Incredible, absolutely gorgeous, and modern. Great job.:smile:
nicely done! definetly thumbs up. Is this how they do things in Texas?:biggrin:

just a suggestion, have you thought of painting the console in black? thought it might look classy this way. JMO.
How much did all of that custom work cost you, if you don't mind me asking? That looks awesome!

The install and fiberglass work cost roughly $2,500. Parts and accessories were an additional ~ $7,000.
wow incredible job on the interior
id say thats well worth it no matter the time that was put into it