My car is sealed away for the season (car capusle pics)

11 May 2002
Mishawaka, In
As promised, here are a few pics from when I put the car away for the season. It was dark out so there is some glare from the garage lights, but you can get the idea.

Below is a pic of the car sitting on the black mat that is the base. Getting the car on there correctly is the only hard part about putting the car in the capsule.


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Here is a pic while inflating. It takes a few days for the wrinkles to get out of there.


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This is a view from the front after blown up, as you can see, there is plenty of room in there :)


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Check out the condition of your car often, and please read this article.

John, I read that article, scary stuff :eek:

The car capsule indoor bubbles are clear so that you can see the car (they also have an evaporator so no moisture can stay inside the bubble). There is another company that makes a dark black indoor product that is similar with but no evaporator, and it sounds like that one is probably the one spoke about in the story.

I have been using the Capsule for the last few years, and not a spec of dust, mold, dew, etc has ever formed on my car. After using it many seasons in a row, if something happened to it, I would buy another one no question. I like it becuase things bounce off of the bubble keeping the car safe from garage objects (like shovels, garbage cans) more than anything.
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I have the 18x76x80 and the car could be 5 inches wider and fit with no problem still. The only pain about the whole thing is getting the car where you want it on the matt, but even that only takes minues if you are really picky. If I had it to do all over again, I would get the 18x76x68. The only reason I got the taller one was becuase I had a 996 with a supercup aero kit and a HUGE wing on the rear, so we were worried about the length/height issues. It never would have been a problem with the lower height.
anybody else have experience with this product. I have thought of getting it in the past, but was leeary of the whole mold issue.
I'm waiting for SNL/MADTV to have a routine on the bubble boy and his car since I first saw this product.
They have to make one so that the car can be driven while in the bubble or a portable one for the parking lot.
Too bad Q died, he could of made one.
We had a huge storm here Monday with 65-70 mph winds. As I was pulling the CRX into the garage a large tree branch flew into the garage, smacked the wall hard and then bounced right off of the bubble. It broke the surface of my drywall but didn't even make a mark on the bubble. It hit pretty hard, but the car was untouched. I would hate to think if the NSX would have just been sitting there what kind of scratch/dent it would have made.

That's why I love it
Thanks for sharing your experience "Mr. Bubble Boy!...hehe J/K

:D :D
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AaronR said:
We had a huge storm here Monday with 65-70 mph winds. As I was pulling the CRX into the garage a large tree branch flew into the garage, smacked the wall hard and then bounced right off of the bubble. It broke the surface of my drywall but didn't even make a mark on the bubble. It hit pretty hard, but the car was untouched. I would hate to think if the NSX would have just been sitting there what kind of scratch/dent it would have made.

That's why I love it

No kidding on the wind!!!! I had garbage cans flying through my yard!! On a sad note a 15 yr old and a 17 yr old decided to go duck hunting with their dog that day on lake Winnebago. They did not know of the wind storm coming. Their jon boat sunk, and they both died. Their dog made it to shore later to get killed by a car. The bubble looks great. I decided to build a garage within a garage for my NSX. I built a insulated drywalled area that will be climate controlled. I am waiting to post pictures cause I want it fully finished and then show the progress. It has a locking door to get in !!! Great to keep the kids and wife out!
Re: Bubble

Aaron -

Looks great...nice and snug!

I have one better for you...
Move down here to Florida and forget the whole bubble thing and ENJOY it 365 days!!

:D :D :D :D

Ask Aaron, driving a CRX in the snow CAN almost be as much fun as the NSX in the summer!:D I love winter beater driving! I become Tommi Makinen:) :) :) :)
THOSE POOR KIDS!!!! i missed out on my beater for the winter, i bought this 92 accord,and my girlfriend's sister begged me to let her buy it from me as a first car. I wanted her first car to be a reliable one,so i gave in.:(
T Bell said:
No kidding on the wind!!!! I had garbage cans flying through my yard!! On a sad note a 15 yr old and a 17 yr old decided to go duck hunting with their dog that day on lake Winnebago. They did not know of the wind storm coming. Their jon boat sunk, and they both died. Their dog made it to shore later to get killed by a car. The bubble looks great. I decided to build a garage within a garage for my NSX. I built a insulated drywalled area that will be climate controlled. I am waiting to post pictures cause I want it fully finished and then show the progress. It has a locking door to get in !!! Great to keep the kids and wife out!

Did you ever get these pictures posted?