My car got featured on Autonest!

14 October 2002
Ottawa, Ontario
Last edited:

"the police who let me go after checking out the engine bay" ...:smile::smile::smile:
Congratulations! Great write-up and nothing but the truth in your interview answers. :biggrin:
Thanks guys, really appreciate the comments from fellow owners :)

I got a lot of comments from people over their original title, "mean green supercharged machine" since my car is neither green in color nor gentle on the environment ;). I passed it on to the author and the title's been changed. They are a small site just starting out. Hope they become a good destination on the web like Jalopnik. If you guys can "like" them on FB I'm sure they'd appreciate it.

It's so strange... For years I've been flying under the radar but I got approached by 3 parties this month about doing features. There should be another web article next month and possibly a magazine spot in late summer (w00t!) ;)

Posted from my iPhone
Nice article

also the mention of Prime is awesome. nothing better than free advertising