My baby is not feeling well....PLEASE HELP!!

30 August 2005
So Cal
Okay guys, I need your help very badly……my baby is not feeling very well!!
I was going for a spirited drive when all of a sudden my TCS light came on and my check engine light starting blinking. I turned around to go home and made it about 10 min from my house when the car just died. I coasted to the side and checked everything out. After some investigation I found that the power wire that connects to the battery terminal came undone somehow. I was able to fix the problem with ease and thought it would also cure the TCS and CEL problem. However, I was wrong. After taking it for a test drive, the same problem happened again, I got on it in 1st and the TCS came on while the check engine light started blinking again. I pulled the codes and got P1303 and P1399 which I am told are Ignition system of misfire codes. I decided to change the spark plugs and check the ohms on the coils. All the coils checked out fine and now there are new plugs in the car. After another test drive, the car is doing the same thing. Does anyone have any suggestions of what to look for or test next?

Thank you
Although I did not have the loose battery power cable situation, I did a similar problem code readout. In the end, I had one weak coil that produced intermitant faults that produced uneven engine run and idle conditions I diagnosed the weak coil by moving the coil that was indicated by the fault code. In your case with a fault code of P1303 you have a cyclinder 3 misfire. I would switch the coil installed at cyclinder 3 to another position and see if the fault code ocuurs at the new location. If you confirm the misfire code at the new cyclinderlocation, you have found a weak coil.

good luck