My 92 Berlina Black Build Progress

thats a pretty cool trick for the exhaust tips.

With the intake design do you plan on making an air box as well? It reminds me of this older toda set up. Hopefully this can help in your design process.


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Epic build!

You should reverse mount the faces of your LM's. :wink:

I'm thinking about it actually....along with polishing out the lips

huge fan of this build, another nsx that will need a photoshoot when this baddie is completed!


Tastefullly done.........nice improvements.
I have also dealt with Ben at Daisy - nice guy and knows his stuff!

Thank you and YES! Ben is awsome!
thats a pretty cool trick for the exhaust tips.

With the intake design do you plan on making an air box as well? It reminds me of this older toda set up. Hopefully this can help in your design process.

Yeah, I'm trying to come up with an air box covering the ITB using lexan. Then connect the air box/tubing directly to my hatch scoop. It's a crazy process but I'm going to give it a try:cool:
What hood are you using? How does it fit? From the pics it seems to be dead on.

I'm using DF hood. Little bit of tweaking/washers...bam! fits good:smile:

Diffuser time

My custom made front diffuser.

Mocking up my brake duct using the small vent on the Stacy side

Almost there!

I'm waiting on couple of parts/raw materials....You guys will really enjoy the next two mods :biggrin:..stay tuned!

Would you mind taking a pic of the engine bay with the EK9 Civic intake installed? Did you have to make any kind of modifications to make it fit?

Would you mind taking a pic of the engine bay with the EK9 Civic intake installed? Did you have to make any kind of modifications to make it fit?

I'm still working on the piece. As soon as I'm done, I'll post pictures.
I had to rim the corners/3-4 reducer to make it fit/sit right next to my ITBs

can't wait to see his baddie back on the ground ! make sure to showcase some before and after photos when its all done!

I will..:smile: