My 91 all decked out

Wow, if that is really a paint job then you may just be better off unloading it a Carmax. There is no way anyone who is looking for an NSX would buy that thing. Maybe you can take it to a few shows and put a for sale sign on it and see what offers you get.

I completely agree. Your best shot to sell it is at a custom car show. No NSX enthusiast is going to be interested in that car other than to strip it down as a track car project or to gut it for parts. I am impressed with the detail of the paint work, though. I just don't think it belongs on an NSX.
spent $30K for the worst paint job EVER on an NSX???:eek: might look ok on a monster truck, but an NSX???:confused:

I've seen bowling balls that look better then that
Wow, if that is really a paint job then you may just be better off unloading it a Carmax. There is no way anyone who is looking for an NSX would buy that thing. Maybe you can take it to a few shows and put a for sale sign on it and see what offers you get.

I also agree,,you now have an "art" car that happens to be an nsx rather than an nsx.
mmmmm. I think it hides every sexy line that the nsx has to offer. I will say it was a great paint job and one I would have loved on my bmx in the 80's. No nsx should have lambo doors. :frown:
Who would do that to a Imola??:frown:

Its got to be vinyl. Why would a $30K paint job not inlcude the door jambs??
Ouch! No need to crucify him, he didn't paint the car.

nsxshowngo, I'd like to see some pics of the interior and engine. I agree that it will be a very difficult sale. You may have better luck parting the car, including selling off the turbo kit, brakes, interior, and stereo. I know that sounds harsh, but it's an honest assessment.
That car has been to HELL and back :eek: Maybe contact Universal Studios and see if they are interested. Halloween is coming...:smile: I will say its definately original.

Hope it all works out for you!
lol!!!! thanks for the input guys. I guess i will try a few online posts and see what happens. Maybe some shows. and worst case i will just have it re painted. what would a 91 be worth with these mods if the paint was all one colour?
lol!!!! thanks for the input guys. I guess i will try a few online posts and see what happens. Maybe some shows. and worst case i will just have it re painted. what would a 91 be worth with these mods if the paint was all one colour?

What is the mileage?

There is a 94 Turbo with over 100K invested selling for 42K right now in the Prime Marketplace.
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Why dont you sell your other car and spend around $8.000 and fix that one up, and KEEP IT. NSX its a great car, you'll like it.:smile:
thats perfect for any devil worshiping nsx enthusiasts out there. That paint job gives me chills just looking at it.

1) fake roof scoop
2) Blue brakes don't match colour scheme
3) Yellow tint has always looked tacky
4) wheels look like cheap knockoffs (three piece chromies look great with the right design)
5) As soon as there is rock chip or minor accident, the whole car will have to be painted.

1) Nice paint job/concept, but doesn't suit the nsx.

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The paint or vinly is too busy and dark... skulls, etc. for me and most.

It looks like it is a very nice car... the wheels go with the current theme, but not what most people would like.

But the car looks nice and like somebody mentioned, Macco $250 paint job (isn't that a myth... unless the $250 is you bring it in and they shoot the car as is, your responsibility to wash it or rough it up?)

Paint it the original color and probably put different wheels on it, or not, and I feel you would get more out of the car.

If I were looking and wanted and NSX I would buy this if the price was low enough to cover the cost of having a quality shop repaint it back to original.

But you may find the right buyer... as somebody mentioned there are people who love Tatoos and do their own bodies in similar fashion. Maybe if you could get an ad on Miami Ink or LA Ink or sell it to them as a promotional vehicle for their business. Hey, that would work out very well... someplace like that could purchase it and write it off as part of their business, car for business and also advertisement for their business.

The car should be able to sell for more than a salvage vehicle would go for, but IMO maybe not much more... in the current condition... apart from the perfect buyer who really connects with the car as their dream car.

Somebody has definitely dumped some $$$$ into the car.

It makes a decent show car, in that it is extreme, over the top, custom.

Not my taste, but there are people out there who would love it.

It might make an incredible track car too... scare the hell out of the competiton. :eek:

Good Luck on selling it if that is what you decide to do... as is or tamed down.