Mt. Fuji NSX run 9/25

Was little busy at work, but I'm back now.

We are all GO for 9/25

Just please let me know if you are planning to stop by, so I can make reservation at the restaurant and print out enough folders with directions.

And here is the front


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i'm in, any body count/guest list??
:smile: :smile: :smile:
winreboot said:
Just got rear t-shirt image done. Working on the front ;)

Amazing graphics can't wait to see the finished product in person :biggrin:
I am still in I think we need a list ASAP
Acura NsX Pilot said:
Another one for the collection Alan ?

Bailey, I am getting quite obsessive about my NSXwear collection :biggrin: This run will be fun and the idea of capping it off with another shirt is just icing on the T-Top :rolleyes:

I am well aware that as long as an event has food attached YOU will be there :eek: As Roger always says "Bailey is all about the food" :tongue:

See u on the 25th :cool:
Im shocked we dont have more people set to attend! Mt Fuji has great food and I has hoping for at least 20 NSX's.


why dont you put the event in your signature line? :wink:
I am scheduled to be in Athens, Ga on the 23rd, but I hope to make it back in time for this event. If I can finish my business there and fly back Sat night I'll be there.
Im shocked we dont have more people set to attend! Mt Fuji has great food and I has hoping for at least 20 NSX's.


why dont you put the event in your signature line? :wink:

Unfortunately this event is the same weekend as the IRL race at the Glen.
Many of the club members will be there for the event :frown:

But there is an up side :biggrin: More t-shirts for ME :cool:
Sorry Guys, This sounds like a blast. But.... I will be going to Watkins Glen for the IRL race:). Hope to get some pics with Danica :biggrin:


Masha and I are in. Hope it's not too late. Not sure if we are going to meet the crew in West Orange or Hillburn, but we will be at Mt Fuji one way or the other. Looking forward to seeing everyone and our cars.
OK, I add everyone on the list. If you can't make it and just want to stop by for the lunch, you are welcome so. We will be there by 1:30pm
The route was great and the weather held out. Great seeing everyone that came out especially Nev who I havent seen in like a year. Food was pretty good and the company even better. Thanks David for setting this up I hope this becomes and annual event in the east.
Great ride very well planned route with lots of exciting twists and turns. It was great to see so many new faces as well as old friends :biggrin:
Thanks David for making the event happen :biggrin: . I agree with Bailey this needs to become an annual event. Start planning next years run now :cool:
Thanks Dave for organizing a great event. We'll have another get together when Mike (who blew a tire on his there) gets his new tires/wheels.
Dear Dave,

Thank you for taking the iniiative for a great event. TRUE, I did not get to finish the run, but I had a blast meeting all the great folks all the same. I concur with Bailey that this should be an annual event.



how does your car get off lookin' lower than mine????


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