Most popular NSX color

2 January 2005
Daphne AL
What color NSX do you guys thinks is the most popular and what color do you think in the long run will have the most future saleability?
Good I am selling my red 95 and just bought a red 05
Red is the most common color by far.
Any color looks good on aluminum. Red shows best in the sun and does not show dirt or scratchs as bad as say black.
I don't disagree with red being the fastest and most produced...I just hate the color:eek: and it sure attracts the attention of the cops...and that I surely do not I think black is the best "shade" to it is pure hell to take care of!

Yellow was my top pick, Red was 2nd. I wanted the brightest, loudest, and most exotic color you would find on the typical Ferrari's and Labmos. If I find a red one, I may buy it....if it is same criteria as my current car. Low miles, etc....if I find another yellow like mine, I may consider it as well :biggrin:

p.s. red was my 2nd choice only because it was so much more common in the earlier years. i wanted something that was less common.
I thought from some of the recent posts I've seen that white was the most sought after. I've never actually seen one in person, but that was the color I wanted more than any other.

Ended up with red, because as everyone else has already stated, for the early years it was definitely the most common.

Yellow was my top pick, Red was 2nd. I wanted the brightest, loudest, and most exotic color you would find on the typical Ferrari's and Labmos. If I find a red one, I may buy it....if it is same criteria as my current car. Low miles, etc....if I find another yellow like mine, I may consider it as well :biggrin:

p.s. red was my 2nd choice only because it was so much more common in the earlier years. i wanted something that was less common.

Yellow always catches my eye. It really makes you think you are looking at some sort of super-exotic car. I think it is the most exotic color for the NSX.

I am a silverstone guy myself. I think it fits the NSX the best being an all-aluminum car and being that the headlights are that silverstone color.

long beach blue looks great in the direct sunlight. It is really impressive.

red and black are classic NSX colors. You can't go wrong with them.
More red's produced because it's the best, just ask anyone who owns one. There's also more gas powered cars than diesel, but diesel is making a comeback.:biggrin:
Red because it was the cheapest paint, then black of course because they could mix up all of the left over paint to make black:biggrin: Best color woul be Monte Carlo Blue, not Long Beach Blue which is jut washed out in appearance.:wink: Let the war begin. LOL
Red is the most popular color, but then McDonalds are the most popular restaurant, so I'm not so sure how valuable "popularity" is as a metric.
Hey, if you had bought some McDonalds stock back in the day you'd be a happy camper now, all the rest are BurgerWorld...:tongue: