Most Asked Question

1 September 2014
Im sure there's probably another thread on this somewhere so yell at me later but I was curious of the question you get asked most of the car.

For me it seems to be: "Is that a honda or an Acura?"
What car is that?
I was at cars N coffee in South Jersey this weekend. seemed most people knew what is was, but everyone wanted to know what I paid. "By 2003 the original sticker was just a touch over $100k" seemed to answer the question for most people.
I was at cars N coffee in South Jersey this weekend. seemed most people knew what is was, but everyone wanted to know what I paid. "By 2003 the original sticker was just a touch over $100k" seemed to answer the question for most people.
I don't believe the car ever stickered at over 92k, unless a dealer was able to add ADMU, and I don't know of any dealer doing that in the later years.
Sounds like some R35 GTR shennanigans
For me it seems to be: "Is that a honda or an Acura?"[/QUOTE]

That's an easy one and I get the same question all the time: Open the drivers door and look at the badge on the sill, "Honda". The car is mfg by Honda but badged in America by Acura. I always tell people its a Honda.

I'm in Detroit and I have a lot of friends in Automotive and one gal know does event planning and logistics for new intros or car shows around the country. Whenever we talk cars she always tells me how Acura people in this country "hate" Honda people-I scratch my head at that one?
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I get "I've never seen one in person before" from the younger generation a lot. I think I get more respect from the younger generation than the older one with my experience so far.
I definitely also get:
-how much was it?
-when did you get it/how long have you had it
-what year is it?

I also frequently get asked:
-how fast have you gotten it up to?
-how much/what mods have you done to it?
-is that a manual/stickshift?

I think these questions tend to come from gamers who have no real way of relating to the car in-person except for what they've experienced in a game.
My most frequently asked I walk out into the parking lot, look in the general direction of where I left it, and I ask myself, "Where the heck is it?" and "Did someone steal it?" Only to realize the NSX is so low, it gets lost in the sea of SUVs and pick 'em up trucks down here in Texas.
My most frequently asked I walk out into the parking lot, look in the general direction of where I left it, and I ask myself, "Where the heck is it?" and "Did someone steal it?" Only to realize the NSX is so low, it gets lost in the sea of SUVs and pick 'em up trucks down here in Texas.


I get this from the hotties at my work " why are you married?" :tongue:

Just kidding honey:wink:
most "what year is it"

often "how much"

most memorable (kid in huge @$$ raised truck) "lol why'd you put Honda stickers on your engine"