more VeilSide pics

DocL said:
Here ya go. Enjoy.
thankyou so much

yea, it's the wing that was bugging me!!

but DocL, I know I'm asking way too much, last last last request, but can you PLEASE photoshop the color to a bluish/purplish veilside NSX (w/o wing, front view, and rear view of car)? if you can't i understand :)
thanks for everything once again
Looks sweet... what kind of car is it???? :tongue: :biggrin: :tongue:
Honestly if it was not a bastardized NSX it would be a sweet car! It has pros and cons, but the biggest problem is that it really does not look like an NSX at all...
It might as well be a fiero.
That looks way better w/o the wing. I do not care that it is an auto, perhaps the driver is not able to drive a stick for some reason, or maybe lives in a traffic congested area that it makes more sense to have an auto.
NSXchnk said:
you all must be crazy if you do not like this

i think the car would look much better without the wing, or another kind of wing..
It is just a matter of taste. For all I care, the same kit could have been on a Integra with similar result. Really, what is the point of making the NSX not looking like a NSX anymore with all these ugly panels? To me it looks like a poorly executed kit car.
How's this????

I think I got too carried away with my photoshop skills. Look what happened! :biggrin:

I'll try to do a few color enhancements tonight. :wink:
That sucks ass. It's lost its identity. That interior is a joke surely?

The only good thing is the mirrors, which admittedly make me kinda horny.

Swifty949 said:
its an auto and has ugly interior because it belongs to a CHICK. Serious. thats why there is a sticker with a heart.
:confused: what sticker?

Anyway, I've never liked the Veilside kit for the NSX. Just looks like a overblown kit car. The NSX is beautiful the way it is straight from the factory.
Swifty949 said:
the big sticker on the front diffuser, and the big sticker on teh dash board. Those are hearts above the i
I believe it's a "V" above the i for Veilside.
DocL said:
Here ya go. Enjoy.


OMG... LOL, i actually like that alot =)
hm.... so this negates the need for an 02 headlight conversion which btw ends up costing about $8k..... LOL i'm guessin this kit can be had for around (if your thrifty clever) $7k$-$8k...... the install would be a different story but interesting price point....
wow looks like a lambo front end w/ a ferrari rear end...

does anyone know which year nsx this is?
my photochop. now i think it looks pretty nice. :biggrin:


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It looks like a corvette, a lotus elise, and a Skyline (rear tail lights minus the metal ring) did it and had a child!
Reminds me of a car I once saw at the dealer I used to work at had a widebody kit,rollbar,CTSC,supergofast intake,huge wheels,add on gauges Automatic transmission! :confused: