More grammar woes

11 February 2000
Half Moon Bay, CA, USA
I was taking a tour of the Napa Wine Country by bus (the only to go!) lately and the tour guide wanted to get people going with a few jokes. Under an oak tree she asks if anyone knows how to catch a squirrel? I replied,"Sure! You climb up a tree and show him you're nuts!"

She was horrified. I had to tell her it was Y O U ' R E not Y O U R . I still don't think she gets it.
That's an outrage!!! :mad: Get the Grammar Nazi onto it straight away... :D

Here's an SMS message a fren of mine sent me on her mobile... i've kept all the spacing and characters the exact same. The Grammar Nazi would turn in his grave...

Mornin!juz checkin if we're stil on 4 sat?m lkin fwd 2 it.
would u mind organisin d deets?i trst u.hp we can go sumwhr nice.iwana jaz up!oso u wana c kil bil?:-)
Neo, It appears to be some sort of code. Possibly a subset of English. Maybe you won't be sad after all. :D

You're lucky that women message you, even if it is in a different language. When I approach women they call 911. But I guess that's a bit off-topic.
PorknBeanz said:
Neo, It appears to be some sort of code. Possibly a subset of English. Maybe you won't be sad after all. :D

You're lucky that women message you, even if it is in a different language. When I approach women they call 911. But I guess that's a bit off-topic.

This the off-topic forum... anything goes...

hmm... so why do u have such bad luck w/ da chicks? We'll have to get some advice from MYNSX... he'll know what to do. :D

you don't introduce urself as "porknbeanz" i hope? :confused: that's not a healthy start (pun intended) :D
ChopsJazz said:
I was taking a tour of the Napa Wine Country by bus (the only to go!) lately and the tour guide wanted to get people going with a few jokes. Under an oak tree she asks if anyone knows how to catch a squirrel? I replied,"Sure! You climb up a tree and show him you're nuts!"

She was horrified. I had to tell her it was Y O U ' R E not Y O U R . I still don't think she gets it.
Ummm, so what was the tour guide's intended punch line? I can't imagine it being better than your's. :confused:
Re: Re: More grammar woes

FuryNSX said:
Ummm, so what was the tour guide's intended punch line? I can't imagine it being better than your's. :confused:

Her's was, "Climb up a tree and act like a nut." Whcih is essentially what I said!
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Joel said:
Oh god, do we really have a Grammar Nazi?

"Oh <B>G</B>od. [period] <B>D</B>o we ['really' is redundant] have a Grammar Nazi?" :D

If you don't dot your "i"s and slash your "t"s,
I'll slash your 'eyes' and blow a dot through your "t". :D
I will be enjoying a <U>massive</U> increase in my number of postings. :D