More discussion on possible price.

Actually the Z06 outperforms the F430 and is currently selling above sticker at 85K. I'm sure that won't last much like the NSX temporarily sold for up to $100k back when it first came out. So technically the NSX has already sold for $100K with only 270hp. Sustaining sales is the problem. The Lexus is just ugly and their cars tend to look dated quickly. I'm sure both Honda and Toyota are making these sportscars as statement cars to have technology trickle down to their other cars. I'm very curious to see how much they will price the new NSX at. I'm pretty sure it will be worth it.
NSXGMS said:
If Honda tries to sell the new NSX for over 120K they are cruising for a tremendous bruising.

Agree, except if it's composed of exotic materials (i.e. not steel). If it's steel or aluminum, and underpowered then they'd be completely off their rocker to ask more than $80K.

NSXGMS said:
Go on F chat and see all the people who will defend the 348 to the grave, particularly when comparing the NSX. That's brand loyalty right there folks.

Brand loyalty and stupidity are not mutually exclusive. Those people need a good sitting-down and telling point-by-point on how the 348 doesn't hold a candle to the NSX.

NSXGMS said:
Honda's main target is going to be the Gallardo, Aston, 911TT and Maserati. No one will choose the NSX over those cars if the prices are the same. NO ONE. The new NSX must be a brute AND be 25K+ cheaper than the just mentioned cars.

I hope those cars are not Honda's target. They're all a bunch of overweight, porker GT cars. Though the Gallardo does stand head and shoulders above the three others (in looks, if nothing else).
MoreRPMs said:
Agree, except if it's composed of exotic materials (i.e. not steel). If it's steel or aluminum, and underpowered then they'd be completely off their rocker to ask more than $80K.

:confused: Not sure what that means, but the general public could give a rat's behind about what "materials" are used. Price is everything. "Buy me I have carbon fiber" sales pitches will not work.

MoreRPMs said:
Brand loyalty and stupidity are not mutually exclusive. Those people need a good sitting-down and telling point-by-point on how the 348 doesn't hold a candle to the NSX.

Won't argue that, but you can go on F chat and have a pow-wow with them until you're blue in the face. They will laugh and then go buy their F-car. Again and again. For a poorly constructed overpriced uncomfortable car Ferrari has the most loyal buyers in the world. Those are the facts, right, wrong, smart or stupid.

MoreRPMs said:
I hope those cars are not Honda's target. They're all a bunch of overweight, porker GT cars. Though the Gallardo does stand head and shoulders above the three others (in looks, if nothing else).

Unfortunately those are exactly the cars that Honda must sway people from. Please keep in mind that the vast majority of luxury car buyers simply do not care about how well a car performs on a track. They want straight line power, looks and brand. The reality is that Honda must come out with a car that is as fast as all of them AND is 25K cheaper to sell it alongside the others. To sway people it must be ostensibly superior and even then brand loyalty will win out more often than it should.

It doesn't necessarily need to be the straight-line power winner but it needs to do 0-60 in <4 sec and the quarter in low 12s. 600HP isn't necessary but 450HP is.
I can just imagine the next-gen NSX engineering team reading this thread as they sip their sake and chuckle at all the speculation about their new creation.