MLB crap...I can't believe this....

15 February 2003
Fort Lauderdale
Being a Floridian, I'm somewhat a Marlins fan (local home team, ya know?)....well here's my story:

Yesterday, I'm at the game with my dad and brothers. We love baseball (played our whole lives). My dad is an avid fan of the game, not just a team.

Well, the Marlins played the Dodgers and it was a good game, however, the 1st base umpire was HORRIBLE...he blew 3 calls at first (a Redmond to Lee pickoff, and two infield singles where the guy should have been called out). He also blew a check swing called strike three...

Were the calls bad? Yes...being at the game, I could have made the call from where we were (5 rows up right behind home plate).

Now, here's where it gets "fishy" (no pun intended)...The 1st base umpire for this game is not a "normal" NL umpire...he's filling in with a few umpires being on vacation. It gets worse: The 1st base umpires brother is a starting pitcher for the Philidelphia Phillies. My question: with the Marlins and the Phillies in such a CLOSE Wildcard running, why the HELL is a direct relative to a Philly pitcher umpiring the team thats beating them out in the wildcard run???

To me...thats B.S.!!!

Sorry, had to vent.

Granted, Marlins lost 6-4....the 3 blown calls were very decisive as I believe 2 calls led to a total of 3 runs scored!
Brian2by2 said:
Granted, Marlins lost 6-4....the 3 blown calls were very decisive as I believe 2 calls led to a total of 3 runs scored!
Bad calls by umpires are usually reported in the news. The news story for this game does mention the fourth inning call as flawed, but that only resulted in one run. I can only believe that the other calls you mention were correct in the opinion of the sports writers who watched slow-motion replays of the plays in question. Which, apparently, you didn't.

Originally posted by POWERED by HONDA
You sure vent often.
Despite whatever the sportscasters think, it is ridiculous that a sibling of a rival team (which took the wildcard race lead after the loss) was umpiring a game that meant alot (every came counts with 40 to go)...not only did he umpire hte marlins game, he had no business umpiring the marlins game.
You sure vent often. :)
I think we need a Rants and Raves section of NSX Prime. :p

But then 50% of the threads on Prime would be moved to it. :D

<B>Brian2by2</B>: Rave all you want man... there is so much BS in this world, it's about time someone points it out. :)
NeoNSX said:
But then 50% of the threads on Prime would be moved to it. :D

<B>Brian2by2</B>: Rave all you want man... there is so much BS in this world, it's about time someone points it out. :)

So true.

Nsxtasy, I love that little icon dude :D
Brian, while I agree that bad calls are definitely a distraction, the umps are human. They make mistakes. With the speed of the game, I think that mistakes are inevitable. I remember a few years ago the Redskins were playing the Cardinals. David Boston's (the Cards standout receiver) Dad happened to be on the officiating crew. Some of the Redskins made a stink about it, which I think is patently unfair to the Ref. If anything, I think that he would be even more aware of his every action.
I too think they make bad calls sometimes. However considering the speed at which everything is happening, I also say they do a very good job at it too. We(viewers) of having instant replay to look at, they don't. A lot of times when you do go back and look at it in slow-mo, they are right after all.
92NSX said:

The insight provided by this post is profound and deserves special attention. Of course Mr.92NSX can see. If he was visually impaired it is unlikely he could have posted a response; let alone read what he was responding too.

It appears as if NSX Prime has turned into Mr.92NSX's 'corner' for post-whoring. :D

Oh my, the whoring innuendo's are coming thick and fast... oh dear, there's another one. :rolleyes:
Mr.Wolf said:
The insight provided by this post is profound and deserves special attention. Of course Mr.92NSX can see. If he was visually impaired it is unlikely he could have posted a response; let alone read what he was responding too.

It appears as if NSX Prime has turned into Mr.92NSX's 'corner' for post-whoring. :D

Oh my, the whoring innuendo's are coming thick and fast... oh dear, there's another one. :rolleyes:

Mr. Wolf, you are totally onto my game now. :)
As much of a legacy as the Phillies and Marlins have as a storied baseball rivalry, I still think that the brother, of a guy that plays once every five days or so for the Phillies, standing in as an umpire in a Marlin's game, is not cause for a MLB conspiracy theory.

He is not going to jeopardize his career and that of baseball, try to help the Dodger's (of all teams!) win a game to benefit the Phillies, which no one else cares about anyway :D
First off, its way more than just being the brother....he's not even an NL umpire!!

IS that game enough? You tell me: the race has been deadlocked between 1/2 a game and a game for about 2-3 weeks now...maybe longer.

No, i don't goto marlin games regularly, but I try to go 3 or 4 times a month...(is that regularly??)
Brian2by2 said:
he's not even an NL umpire!!
Of course he is. As noted on the MLB website, they often call up umpires from the AAA-level minor leagues during the season to fill in for vacations, injuries, illnesses and other absences - just as teams call up players from the minors for the same reasons. The umpire in question has been officiating major league baseball games for five years and minor league games for ten. When he is officiating a National League game, he is a National League umpire, just like any Marlins player is a National League player after being called up from the minors. If the Marlins called up a player from their AAA team and the player hit a home run for them, would you be complaining that he's not a National League player? I think not. I rest my case.

(And this is quite aside from the previously-stated fact that his one apparent error was not responsible for changing the results of the game, which you continue to ignore.)

If you're still this upset about a game (a GAME!!!) that took place a week ago, you might want to think a bit about what matters in your life...
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nsxtasy said:

If you're still this upset about a game (a GAME!!!) that took place a week ago, you might want to think a bit about what matters in your life...
I dunno, I'm still pretty worked-up over Don Denkigers call in the 85 series.:mad: But I guess that's something the Cubbie fans haven't had to worry much about.:D
Edit: Don't any of you KC boys dare to jump in on this one. You will not like the fall-out whenever I do come over to vist.;)
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KGP said:
I dunno, I'm still pretty worked-up over Don Denkigers call in the 85 series.:mad: But I guess that's something the Cubbie fans haven't had to worry much about.:D
Cubs fan = Loser
White Sox fan = Loser

It's kind of funny that both teams here in town are still in contention for their divisions, and both for the same reason, with similar mediocre records - because the teams with the best records in each league are in the other two divisions, not theirs.
I guess Chicago fans have it rough when it comes to close calls. I can still remember the phantom foul called on Scottie Pippen on a Hubert Davis 3-point shot in the 1994 Eastern Conference finals.
The thing to realize about close calls is this: They only matter when the game is close anyway. If one team played sufficiently better than the other team, a bad call or two would not make a difference in the outcome. So any team that loses as a result of a close call should be blaming itself for letting the game be that close.
hmmm...6-4 with the Marlins leaving 2 men on base in the 7th or 8th (it was a while ago now). To me, thats a close game.

Now, the umpire was responsible for at least one of those 6 runs being on base (I believe it was two runners due to two bad calls, but thats a seperate argument). Let's just say it was only one.

One run is alot. You see, in sports, there's something called "momentum". Catching up to the Marlins lead creates momentum for the Dodgers and against the Marlins. Thats just the way it works. I've played baseball since I was 4 and throughout high school and now in college, and i have seen just one run lift a teams spirits and put more spark in their play.

So yes, I would say that run was a big deal!
KGP said:

Edit: Don't any of you KC boys dare to jump in on this one. You will not like the fall-out whenever I do come over to vist.;)

Don't even try it, the call was given so much play w/the media and Card fans, yet they fail to remember that it wasn't what cost the Cards the series. Shall I start this topic under a new thread with a lengthy list of the events that and other determining facts that did cause them to lose the series:p