Mitsu EVO runs a 10.01 in the 1/4

The deal is everyone knows what the 996TT can do, and F-cars as well as the NSX. ALso when people look at the NSX think it's fast. When I goto the drag strip and turn low 8's in the 8th @ 88mph down the street that is fun, or going to the track and keep up with and pass NSX's and others, that's fun. I have very little money tied up in this track car and like I told others who said. Why not get a 996TT then, well because I can have 3 RACE evo's that do better for the same price, and a motor is 4k and the tranny with diffs is about the same. So blow it up and kill the tranny max cost is 8k, the GT3 motor is 36k, hell just the top end is 10k to get done. I don't make money doing track events I do to have fun and fun to me is not blowing up 30k motors. The NSX is a great track car but costs 20k to get it really going with Brembo's and comptech's blower, hell 20k AT LEAST, also the parts cost a lot. What I had in mind is to get this car, drive it 1-2 years and enjoy it, then make it a track car and get a new M5 or E55 down the road. Also they are bringing over the MR and RS evo and that's "THE REAL EVO" lol, anyway I am not tring to sell evo's to anyone I am just pointing out there are companies that are advancing there car's unlike Acura's NSX.

spookyp said:
The thing I dont understand is, if you actually have money, why do this with an Evolution (not EVO, the Japanese get the REAL EVO, we get the "Evolution")???? Everyone with an Evolution seems to have a chip on their shoulder and talks all kinds of trash about how "they'll be buying this or that, but for now have the <$30k mitsu".

Personally, I've been dissatisifed with the performance potential of my NSX lately as well, but there is no way Im going to buy a LANCER to replace it! I'll get into the 10's if I choose to as well, but I'll do it in a supercharged 911 or a Viper.

If the Evolution is what you can afford, thats cool and theres no problem with that. But, like with a Mustang or an F-Body, nearly anyone who can *really* afford something better, will buy it.

I can't believe I'm sounding like Allan in this thread, but these conversations are always so idiotic. ANYONE on this forum can easily buy an Evolution since the OLDEST NSX can almost trade even for a brand new one! Not to mention a used modded Z06 (or an old modded Supra) will pound an Evolution into the ground in the 1/4 for even less money and look better doing it!

Are you getting a comission on them or something? Your thread wasnt about performance, it was about trashing the X which is just stupid. Your first post with the numbers illicited nice responses with GENUINE GOOD NATURED interest so, in typical TROLL fashion, you take it down a notch to NSX bashing (ON THE NSX FORUM) and then pretend to be surprised when people get nasty...
Adam Saruwatari regularly runs in the 7's in an NSX.
A few mods, perhaps, but we're talking about modding the heck out of the EVO to get it under 12!
Ya but you can take this evo to a ROAD course and kick ass Adam's can't turn. The funny thing is to take a evo to the 10's is NOT a drag only car, hell Simion Norris's evo goes 212 clocked by radar and I am calling him monday... Don't make me do something crazy Don :D

DONYMO said:
Adam Saruwatari regularly runs in the 7's in an NSX.
A few mods, perhaps, but we're talking about modding the heck out of the EVO to get it under 12!
With that much power you'd spin it in every corner you tried to power through. The "fun factor" would be gone.
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Turbotrix is a great place also. They are the ones that tuned my car. Class shop. Congratulations to them.
