Mission Impossible 3

Saw it tonight. It was good, jujst not as good as i thought it would be. It left me wanting more. I really prefered the cinematography in the 2nd one (John Woo kicks ass) to this third sequal. This one made him seem more fragile and less badass. Plus, the end scene where they are all laughing in the IMF building... give me a break. It made me laugh because it made the movie seem that much more fake, laughable, and unrealistic.
Shumdit said:
It's not the religion I have issue with, it's the "postpartum (and all depession, ADHD, etc.) can be treated with diet, etc. crap. If I were Brooke Shields, I would kick him in the nuts, and tell him to treat it with some diet modification.
Exactly... well scientology is a load of crap IMO, no offense to anyone who honestly believes that, but it's mostly the fact that Tom truly believes he's a know-all highly educated and respected dietician/psychologist. As the saying goes: "Open mouth, insert foot.":tongue:
Wheelman said:
It was an enjoyable movie. How can you go wrong with a hot chick and a Gallardo:tongue:

Does the Gallardo not come with gullwing doors? I didn't realize that until this movie... guess I never paid much attention.

Still love the car though...
satan_srv said:
Funny how people think Tom's some ego-maniac, like that isn't the general disposition of most celebrities
HAHA, I guess that is true. Sorry for being so aggressive, just the whole speaking out thing irritated me quite a bit.
satan_srv said:
Funny how people think Tom's some ego-maniac, like that isn't the general disposition of most celebrities
The power that the media has over people is incredible.

If the worst 5 minute glimpse into a day of my life was aired over and over and talked about, I'd probably look like an asshole too.
squid2004 said:
The power that the media has over people is incredible.

If the worst 5 minute glimpse into a day of my life was aired over and over and talked about, I'd probably look like an asshole too.

Don't sell yourself short, I only read a 10 second thread you posted, and I think you look like an asshole:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: J/K!
Shumdit said:
Don't seel yourself short, I only read a 10 second thread you posted, and I think you look like an asshole:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: J/K!
:eek: Son of a....

squid2004 said:
The power that the media has over people is incredible.

If the worst 5 minute glimpse into a day of my life was aired over and over and talked about, I'd probably look like an asshole too.

I have to agree. People form their opinions on what little part they see.

But Tom Cruise should have known that and acted accordingly.

FWIW, I was the director of Sound design and editorial for all the MI-3 trailers and TV commercials, and if I had to judge Tom by just the time I spent working with him, I'd think we was an okay guy who was very accustomed to being listened to and getting what he wants.
I found it ok... he doesn't sleep or eat and just keeps on running in the movie :P