Minneapolis Spring Drive

5 November 2002
Im starting to look at some dates for an NSX only drive this spring. Im planning a similar route to the one we did last fall.

Stay tuned for more details!
Looks like this is going to need to be June!

Could folks to June 20th? June 26th?
Looks like this is going to need to be June!

Could folks to June 20th? June 26th?

If S2s are welcome I'd like to tag along.

Either date is fine with me. I personally had a blast last year. You did a fabulous job of laying out the course and organizing a genuinely delightful event! I look forward to another fun filled day this year!
I would suggest inviting our little brothers and sisters with S2000's to join. Since the NSX group there is so small and people flake out all the time. So I would suggest inviting S2000, Porsches, BMW's (like needspeed former NSX owner), Ferrari and other exotics.

Us guys in Cali usually have a huge turnout for our canyon runs (thanks to Anytime and volunteers) so it would be too hard/big to organize with other car groups.

Thats just my suggestion its your drive, but I would definitely get together as much as possible as the weather there goes to crap after October to about April.

Meet at least once a month at a caribou or starbucks and enjoy the company.
NSX/S2K monthly meet til the winter comes again.....:smile:

Burrrr I hate your winters....:eek::tongue:
If S2s are welcome we'll join ya.

Thanks... I'll wait for a reply.
^ Nice S2, hope you guys can joy us but is all up to tosugrad, he is a coordinator of this event. We had a great drive last year:cool:
Nice cars indeed ^

Oh yeah and edit to my suggestion of course to make it easier for you is to cap out how many people from the different car groups.

Like lets say 10 cars max per sign up...so like 10 S2000's, 10 Ferraris, 10 BMW guys, 10 Porsche guys etc with your 20 NSX's if you get that many.

The way we do our drives to keep everything in order is every group has a team captain leading and everyone rents hand held radios to listen and reply to the lead driver.....the job of the lead driver is not only to lead but to spot road hazards so everyone can avoid them.

Thats just a suggestion so I don't get blamed for too many guys showed up and it was too hard to coordinate.

Looking at your turnouts I would invite more people.....the more the merrier.
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I would suggest inviting our little brothers and sisters with S2000's to join. Since the NSX group there is so small and people flake out all the time. So I would suggest inviting S2000, Porsches, BMW's (like needspeed former NSX owner), Ferrari and other exotics.

I have no problem with drives like these, however, I won't plan, lead, or run in them. Just bad personal experiences with large format events.
I have no problem with drives like these, however, I won't plan, lead, or run in them. Just bad personal experiences with large format events.

So who leads the drives? If you have a route planned someone has to lead so people know where to go. If you had bad experiences with larger formats then that is from poor planning. I am not saying on your part, I am just saying if there was a drivers meet and you have pre-selected the team captains and gone over what to do prior to the drive....then there shouldnt be any bad personal experiences. This is assuming that you guys will have a lot of people.

Of course if you want to get technical you can have everyone sign a release of liablilty form and make sure everyone has a tech inspection form signed off for the drive like how we do for our cal coastal canyon drives.

John (Anytime) does a great job and has all the forms if you want to look at them and you can always pm him if you want suggestions.

Its a fun day of driving and then eating and hanging out afterwards.

If not do what you gotta do.....I am just trying to help you out.

Have fun and take some pics for us to see.
I am interested in a drive. I am fine with S2k's in the group if thats the consensus. It just makes the x's look even better. ;)

I'm still up for the drive if it happens. It is easier to lead a smaller group, but if a large group does show up we'll be in need of maps & places to meet up. Should be a blast.
I don't think driving it another 100-200 miles is going to affect your resale value, but its your car....good luck on your sale to get the gallardo.

Ok someone else should step up and just take charge. Ed?Momin?Chad?

If not why don't boostedap1 organize it up with the S2000 community and of course invite the NSX guys to go.

Every group of ten should have a team leader regardless and the teamleader should have a good spotter passenger for road hazards and is a good informer to the rest of the group.

Each person should rent a hand held radio and each person should sign a release of liability form and have a tech inspection prior to the drive if you guys want to get technical. Thats how we do it down here for our canyon runs but our runs are a lot longer then 66 miles.....I think ours covered like 200+ miles of canyon carving and roads then eating dinner or lunch afterwards whichever ways you guys decide to do it.

Wheres needspeed? I think it would be nice to invite the M guys to join as well.

Good luck and someone just take the ropes....remember drivers meet first and then have fun!

So recap

1. Every group of ten cars has a team leader and spotter passenger
2. Everyone has to rent a handheld radio so they can be informed of road hazards, cops, etc to slow down or change of route
3. Every car should have a tech inspection prior to the drive
4. Drivers meet for sure for the whole group before they get going and maybe a release of liability form so people know its drive at your own risk.
5. Maybe extend the route a little longer and make reservations for a restaurant to eat after.
6. Have fun and drive safe....no passing or doing anything stupid....spirited driving allowed just not wreckless.

If you don't want to rent hand held radios which is advised then everyone better exchange phone numbers with each other and make sure you have the group leaders number in case you get lost of left behind somehow.

The rear should inform the front if they got left behind or is lost.

Oh yeah one final thing

Start posting up your name on the list if you are serious about attending this drive.
NSX's going
8.Your name here

S2000's attending
3,Your name here

1.needspeed? 2009 M3
2.Your name here
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I have 1 local other S2 that will be joining us & another possible S2.

If you want, some buddies and I are doing a "granny run" Saturday morning. If you or others want to join us, please feel free. We call it a "granny run" cause we're taking our cars out for a gentle drive (like "grannies" ;) to burn off some old residual fuel in our tanks from the winter and do some shakedown runs on our cars after we doing some work on them during the winter. Currently, I'm the only NSX going and am not sure which of my other colleagues will show up, but you and others are certainly welcome. The guy who will be leading the run had grown up in Western WI and knows the roads better than I certainly do and he'll be the lead.

We'll be meeting in East Ikea parking lot (the big one that is wide open) and should be heading out by 8:30AM.

One note though, this is NOT like tosugrad's or eddidy's drives. Those guys have VERY well organized runs. I went on tosugrad's drive last year and it was spectacular. It was apparent he spent a great deal of time on planning & organizing. This is not like that and should not be interpreted as such. Nor is it a replacement for his planned drive. It is merely a colleagial drive to enjoy (and some degree test) our cars.
One note though, this is NOT like tosugrad's or eddidy's drives. Those guys have VERY well organized runs. I went on tosugrad's drive last year and it was spectacular. It was apparent he spent a great deal of time on planning & organizing. This is not like that and should not be interpreted as such.

My car is gone! So can't make it until it is replaced.