Michigan check-in & spotting by blodi pt.2

I've heard it -- passed me at 85+ mph on I94 about 1 month ago. Sounded great (and that's from a guy with a stock /04 muffler who likes it quiet). Per my email earlier to a few of the gang, weather says we are washed out for C&C in Toledo tomorrow. Let's try for August.

Can't think of a summer weekend with more car events going on. :biggrin:

Patrick great seeing you and Wifey last night in A2.

BavariaJeff agreed on Toledo Cars n Cof rainout tomorrow.

Workin' & Practicn on a couple amateur photos to post up..

And weather report 1120p says may clear by noon w/a cold front. :tongue: ? Winter? :mad:

- - - Updated - - -

From Friday night's Rolling Sculpture Car Show in downtown Ann Arbor, Michigan. Great cars, great people, and fun strolls/eats/treats:

Patty in the NO parking zone

View next

Wild hearse drawing plenty of attention. Also saw it Saturday at the Jackson Road Cruise on Ann Arbor's west side.

Now on to Saturday's 6th Annual Jackson Road Cruise. As always, one never knows what might be seen. Or.......... unseen.


After battling a clutch that was resistant to being bled, and a mysterious (needed a scope to locate) coolant leak.....after a year and a half the purple car finally barked back to life last night :cheerful:

<a href="https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/TSKNmcMkvVMOYOTYJ_1gV8XaXQan0mwCkI-bCCVNgHo?feat=embedwebsite"><img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-BDdXfIEnfuw/U80VOr2_MsI/AAAAAAAAAFQ/3Y7IWIr9hC8/s800/IMG_1226.jpg" height="480" width="640" /></a>

<a href="https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/kZCG25QoUqZ8Q6IVzjD8TMXaXQan0mwCkI-bCCVNgHo?feat=embedwebsite"><img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-fDTtZPRJy7s/U80VQtEDNjI/AAAAAAAAAFY/xV1YegL8R5w/s800/IMG_1227.jpg" height="480" width="640" /></a>

Successful first test drive last night!

<a href="https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/-np0_GFrMKfssii1Q6FkPyhSE0j2JqLKkZoiuV71Wl8?feat=embedwebsite"><img src="https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/--F5BOzhZzTo/U86P2BwNomI/AAAAAAAAAGI/KgbMBZ9CHVs/s800/First%2520Test%2520Drive.jpg" height="383" width="800" /></a>

that exhaust looks like its from a Dr. Zeus design:biggrin:
that exhaust looks like its from a Dr. Zeus design:biggrin:
Make that Dr. Loveland, and I'm with 'ya ;^D

It's the same exhaust as before, but I had that stainless steel tailpipe Cerakoated in a high heat aluminized finish.

I'm sure he was watching "how the Grinch stole Christmas" before fabrication:biggrin:
Could be!

Here's a 'before' picture, from the back.

<a href="https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/JWakxghDfKJoPRQn7opL55SK_pvK5yeyrgq8ut6-oNs?feat=embedwebsite"><img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-6AaDvyK_UbM/U8-xLPo_-II/AAAAAAAAAHw/GmxqtmmPDG4/s800/In%2520the%2520air.jpg" height="600" width="800" /></a>

Good to see that everyone is up and running. Engine is apparently all settled, just waiting for the EMS. You can check on the car...........
Good to see that everyone is up and running. Engine is apparently all settled, just waiting for the EMS. You can check on the car...........
Thanks Tim, will do!
You will be amazed as to how much better everything works with a finely tuned EMS.
I need to get your power bleeder back to you, it worked like a champ........

(one more tailpipe picture for DocJohn, this time with the baffle in ;-)

<a href="https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/ISbHI_m8S4t91WEvUkLemqBNbluilPrddSFeqpUq95U?feat=embedwebsite"><img src="https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-olk8nLY19MM/U9D7EZOenlI/AAAAAAAAAIo/Cmae2hQrqrA/s800/Baffle%2520In.jpg" height="480" width="640" /></a>
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Horton hears a who
What a friggen awesome day yesterday! Thanks to Brian again for giving me a lift up there! Glad to see the evil beast put down such awesome figures on a dyno that is certainly never kind with its numbers.
Some pics and the "big" pull on the dyno......
IMG_0437 by blodi, on Flickr
IMG_0440 by blodi, on Flickr
IMG_0473 by blodi, on Flickr
IMG_0474 by blodi, on Flickr
IMG_0470 by blodi, on Flickr
IMG_0490 by blodi, on Flickr
IMG_0475 by blodi, on Flickr
IMG_0504 by blodi, on Flickr
IMG_0472 by blodi, on Flickr
IMG_0505 by blodi, on Flickr
IMG_0508 by blodi, on Flickr
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Looks good back home Ryan minus the rear diffuser. ;-). Hopefully that will be back on soon.