Methanol at the track.

20 March 2009
Hey guys,
Well here in the the GTA winter is coming to a stop fast, so it's time to put the NSX back together .

I am thinking on scratching the idea of doing a WAIC system and just tune for water meth ,since I already have the AEM meth kit installed(it's just not tuned).

The car already sees 450whp , but AIT's are high, that's the reason I run water/meth just to cool the charge. So I don't want the meth for power but for cooling.

Who here actually runs meth at the track? Has your set up hold up no problem?
What do you guys think?

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Thanks Doc,
I need to figure out if is worthed to buy that AEM failsafe unit, or wire the water meth to the AEM EMS and let that controll it.

I just hate having to many freaking gauges in the car!! Looks aweful !!
But on the other hand that failsafe unit seems pretty good .

What do you guys think?

I just hate having to many freaking gauges in the car!! Looks aweful !!
But on the other hand that failsafe unit seems pretty good .


MSR, this is one of my biggest bitches. I was talking about this very thing with Chris (SOS) and how AEM needs to get off their ass and allow their data to be displayed and controllable via a touchscreen interface. Their old-school mentality about having a GDFing gauge for every function drives me crazy.

See, I'm ranting about it yet again!

I run meth as well, so I feel ya. I think the gauge is a good way to go, but I refuse to put that thing in my cabin. Still holding out for a digital solution.
Yeah, I probably will buy this gauge since looks like a no brainer for a track car.
I'll have to deal with the gauge , so far I have an oil press, UEGO, Truboost, and that's enough for me. Now I will be adding the meth fail safe gauge and a serial one to monitor other stuff.

My car will end up looking a F&F car, hate it!!
