Metal Flecks In Oil

eventhorizon said:
Which oil should I have analyzed? I am assuming you are talking about the engine oil, not the oil from the turbo units.

The engine oil should be analyzed, as that is the topic of your thread, and contains 'metal flakes' - the aerochargers should be rebuilt, and serviced regularly afterwards - certainly, at a minimum, the one aerocharger that has been driving around with its oil fill cap exposed should be given a close once over, and the fill cap should be replaced... the oil should be changed in both units as well.
We are going to pull an oil sampel to send off today. I am going to send both turbos off to be rebuilt and put the car back to NA. I've also got dibs on your intake scorp965, the one you have posted in the for sale forum. Seems like that would be a bolt on replacement for the stock airbox.

From what I have read around here so far, the original cartech system can be replaced with stock parts with little ill effect, other than running rich. I think that will be my best bet for the road rally laster next month.

Go back to NA, then work on getting the turbo system right over the winter.
I may be a bit out of the loop, but just about any area has places that service Semi truck diesel engines and turbos. A few years back, while playing with Porsche turbos, and thinking only a few places in the country could work on them, was surprised to find that most turbos are sharing the same basic guts, and the local truck place serviced the 930 turbos. May be worth a few phone calls.
eventhorizon said:
Those would be my turbos. Did not know the company was out of business. I would guess this is going to make the parts difficult, if not impossible to find.
The company is not out of business, but the turbos are out of production because the patent holders pulled the rights (or something like that). One question: Have you been topping off the turbo oil? That you can still get.
Perhaps that's why they started making a funny noise.
I got in contact with the HiPerformance company you recommended and talk about luck. They are based in Kansas just a few miles from where I live. One of the owners actually came to my house to pick up the turbos and ship them off to be rebuilt. Very cool guy. He thinks they just need a good cleaning since the bearings still turned freely and sounded good. I am still going to have my oil analyzed, but I'm not as worried about the flecks as I was.

I will keep everyone posted.