Message to pass on to your partner

i agree with ken that nsfw / nsw / "caution when opening" in the subject lines of sexually-oriented material would be helpful.

i saw this article some time ago and thought about posting it... i mean, what's the harm? the harm is when the link gets opened, the file is displayed for all to see and in this case, the viewer deemed a perv by co-workers / others when all they were doing is opening a link that had the word "partner" in it.

h - i think it's great that your co-worker found it funny today when you showed it to her. make sure you document her response, though, because if she chooses to leave your company and file a lawsuit for sexual harassment, ya never know if you'll be included in the papers.

no morality police here, just asking for common courtesy.


btw, here's what displayed on my screen (i shielded my cats eyes :)
Study: Fellatio may significantly decrease the risk of breast cancer in women

Thursday, October 2, 2003 Posted: 9:19 AM EDT (1319 GMT)

:tongue: funni

but agree with queen..... Hal, you're a wise, wise man...

*& on a side sentimental note: i just wanna take a moment to let you know that your knowledge is and has been appreciated... in many ways........

My wife thinks it's real... :biggrin:
