Members in Berlin

2 October 2005
Do we have any members in Berlin Germany?

The reason being is because I saw an add for a car that was too good to be true and I think it is a I tried to put the heat on the guy about the car and he is keeping a cool head and has not gotten belligerent about all of my questioning. Here was my last transcript to him about the car.

Mr. Haider,

Please understand, I do not want to get burned, if you are legit read further and do not take it personal. Other wise send me a return email telling me to take a long walk of a short pier.

Seeing as how I have contacted three people about their cars and oddly enough they all seem to be out of the United States somewhere in Europe; this is the reason as to why they are selling the car so cheaply and are willing to ship the car and cover what would be a 3,000.00 shipping fee...I want proof of existence--I am requesting a picture of the car with a newspaper (from yesterday, today or tomorrow) with the date showing on the hood of the car near the windshield with the VIN showing. If this seems too ridiculous to you, then I can have one of my fellow international co-workers that resides in Berlin come look at the car and verify the cars existence. I will leave it up to you. Next I would like a phone number that I can contact you and speak with you personally...communications by email is too troublesome. If this deal is to go down I would use an escrow company (not some hocus pocus) that I know of and that I trust because they have an actual building with actual employees and have a record with the Better Business Bureau. Plain and simply put you want my money, I want your car.

Again Mr. Haider I hope you understand my somewhat boorish manner. I hope we can do business.


Frankie J. Privett III
Multimedia Specialist
Halliburton Learning and Technology

His reply was that he will be available this weekend for one of my co-workers to come check it out which would be cool, but my co-worker is in Celle Germany for training as of Tomorrow which is 150 miles away from Berlin and will not be going back to Berlin for at least 2 months. I also thought that maybe one of our instructors would be going there to teach a class but they are going to Celle as well. So I thought maybe there might be someone on this site from Berlin that could check it out.

Would be interesting to know the truth, but I am betting it is a scam.


It turned out to be a scam...after a member on the board had sent me a PM saying that they had a friend in Berlin that would go look at the car, I sent "Mr. Haider" an email asking for the information to pass on to my contact. A few days had passed and I did not get a return email from this person. So I figured I would see if I could rattle the guy’s cage and send another email...only to get a System Admin return email saying that no such email address exists. I have to admit even thought I was disappointed in it not being a legit deal, it was fun putting the squeeze on this guy. I just hope no one got burned.

Thanks Karl for the help.