Melbourne Boyz Aussie Dec 04 Cruise - Photos & Kill stories!

2 October 2001
Today's drive was an awesome success. We stayed under the speed limit the entire way and stayed in one lane of traffic. We played safe and sound and... boring? :rolleyes: :D

We had TWO AUSTRALIAN FIRSTS on this trip: 1) <B>five</B> Melbourne NSX's on a single cruise (estimated as 1/6th of Melb's NSX population! :eek: ), and ... 2) NO STOCK RIMS!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D This makes our cruise very unique from the Sydney one earlier this year... ;) (lol, stirring up some friendly rivalry

It was great to meet the Mike's, Tony & Lisa who came literally at the last minute, and of course Melbourne's NSX Bad Boy Superstar: <B>Dippy9</B>. ;) And of course we invited our special guest NSX-prime's <B>0ctan3</B> who is current working here.

Some highlights of the day were Mikey overtaking + playing chicken with a bikey. ;) Lisa saying "the black NSX sounds nice" at lunch (Dippy's face lit up like a Christmas tree! :D ). Tony arriving with identical rims to Dippy and OQQO & telling them how he got them. :p And that's just the tip of the iceberg...

Here are a few photo's for starters. When i float back down to earth from cloud nine I'll upload the rest. Enjoy! Thanks guys for an AWESOME cruise!


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ok ok... i uploaded my pix

ok... i've uploaded a bit under half of my photos & recompressed them. Anyone after the original high-res, send me a PM/email. Guys on the drive, i have other photos + pictures of us to distribute.

<FONT SIZE=+1><B><A HREF="">Neo's Melbourne Cruise Dec 04 Gallery</A></B></FONT>

Here's a couple of my favourites images for the lazy buggers who can't be bothered clicking the above link: :D

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(I <I>really</I> like your side intake mesh mike!)
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Sorry I could not make it fellas. I have family here from Mauritius. I am busy taking them out, but they are leaving soon, so I will be up for a cruise! By then I would have removed my taitec lightweight, put on the OEM, then removed my OEM, then put on my lightweight again :wink: I am sure the Melbourne boyz know what I am talking about, right Dippy?
Looking good NEO. Man the exhaust makes the car, thanks NICO. Man we missed you VIK. But we cant use black too much or that is going to be Melbourne's colour just like red is Sydney's.

Great day was had and great company as well. Looks like we will definetly be having a Great Ocean Road run before the Formula 1 GP in March.
dippy9 said:
Great day was had and great company as well. Looks like we will definetly be having a Great Ocean Road run before the Formula 1 GP in March.

please make sure you let us know earlier . . . I love to join you guys for the Great Ocean Road cruise, BTW great pics, love all the NSX

and dippy9 just want to let u know that i changed the antenna on mine w/ slightly longer one and i reckon looks better for picture please PM . . .

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BTW NeoNSX do u have any photo on the yellow NSX on the stereo set up ? looks like he got a big set up there . . .
Are those Simmons Alta wheels on one of the black NSX's. I'm still deciding whether to get the five spokes Simmons or the Alta ones. BTW what sizes are they? They all looks very nice.
NSXsan said:
BTW NeoNSX do u have any photo on the yellow NSX on the stereo set up ? looks like he got a big set up there . . .

Ah, I meant to and forgot with the excitement of the day. And yes, he has a killer setup with an EQ under the passenger floor (from memory). Maybe Mikey has some pix of his car he can post?

btw, how come you're posting pix of your car on our thread? ;) trying to hijack it coz you couldn't come on the cruise? :D :D :D j/k

<B>VIK</B> : man, we don't want to rub it in but you missed an AWESOME CRUISE!!! You don't want to miss the next one...

<B>NSXBOX</B> : If you're reading this Nico, you came up in conversation so many times during the day. "Nico" this and "Nico" that... but it gave Pete a chance to have the noisest exhaust. ;)
WOW!! Wish I was there..

all modded my kinda crowd :)

COngrats Neo and Dips for the turnout and pics..

QQQ - I thought yours was a manual targa ?? yours an import ??

Any1 here Unik's stereo
NeoNSX said:
btw, how come you're posting pix of your car on our thread? trying to hijack it coz you couldn't come on the cruise? j/k

SORRY Neo, i didnt mean that, just want to show dippy9 w/ my new antenna, i just thought maybe he like it w/ a longer one, since most of the new car use that kind of antenna now, i deleted already
It's nice that some of our USA brothers have posted comments. Hurrah! :D

<B>NSXsan</B> : Did you see the photo of OQQO's side intake mesh? LOL... it was the first thing i noticed about his car. Sounds like when i met your engine cover mesh...err...i mean you and your car! :D

<B>NSXBOX</B> : Nico, we wish you had come down too. As it was, Dippy was the "KING OF BLING" for the trip. :D

Dippy and I heard <B>UNIK-1's</B> sound system when we first met him, and it was VERY LOUD. I bet his neighbours hate his car. :p I personally loved the EQ under the passenger's floor; that was pretty cool.

I forgot to mention a huge thanks to <B>OQQO</B> for suggesting the cruise destination and being our safety car. :D While some of the roads had traffic, there were plenty of open stretches, twisties and not too many speed cameras. ;)
Great to see the Melbourne guys enjoying their cars! :biggrin:

Neo.... Great photos as usual! Thanks a lot, Your an inspiritation.... Made me really want to be there!

Dippy... I will be down for the GP and will be bringing the TT down (It's Silver is that colour OK? :wink: )

Don't worry I will be bringing Nico down dispite his protests... :biggrin:

Nico... What would a NSX Gruppe get-together be without M? :wink:

NSXsan... you're comming as well!

Flight.... You will have to tell your relatives that you have a new family now...

Sydney Guys.... Let's make sure that the Melbourne guys really know that Sydney is also the NSX capital of Australia by getting more NSX's down to Melbourne for the GP GOR drive than they can muster... :biggrin: (Nothing like a bit of friendly interstate rivalry to bring everyone out... :biggrin:)
Hey boys

wow looks like melbourne is the multicultral capital of Aus. Notice only one red!!!!!!

NSXsan just because you got a penis extension you dont have to go bragging about it to make yourself sound good. :biggrin: :biggrin:

AUnsx your not allowed to bring the tt because i cant afford to buy my wife more handbags and clothes. Please dont bring it :frown:

NSXbox a gruppe Meeting is alright mate, but a black taitec is better, at least i had girls commenting on them not just desperate guys trying to suck you (remember that photo NEO????) :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

Cant wait for the drive in March, i will try to organise corporate seats for the F1 so after the drive we can just all park on the grid.......
Sorry boys unfortunately my X will be on a weight gain program and eye operation from end of february till end of april for Melbourne Autosalon on 30 April-1st May 05.

If finances are good I'll come to the F1 though :)
Without Nico, looks like Dippy will be the Bling-king & have the loudest exhaust on the next GOR cruise then!!! Won't that be a shame Dippy? ;) :D

<B>AU_NSX</B> : I think what Dippy's trying to tell you is please bring the TT... deep down he really wants a true factor-X or supercharger; he's just not sure if he can afford all the compensation to his wife if he does get one. :rolleyes: :D :D :D

<B>Dippy</B> : hehehe... i remember that photo... wish i could post it here. :) You bowing down on all fours, worshiping Nico's exhaust. :p

Where's <B>OQQO</B> and <B>0ctan3</B>'s pix of the weekend's cruise??? :( I neeeeeeeeeeeeed more pix.... :p
btw, i had a friend from Philip Is. call me and ask if we had a cruise -- they could hear dippy's exhaust from down there! :D lol j/k




AWESOME photos Andrew! BTW, love that 2nd picture... that's me driving that beautiful BLACK NSX!!!! :D :D :D Oh no... what am i saying... i should be saying that about a RED NSX! ;) :D

That was certainly one of the most fun drives i've ever been on. It's four days later and I'm still thinking about it. :)
Hey Octan3 glad you had a great time.

Remember we expect the same hospitality when we get over there, but with a bit more rubber laid on the floor. :biggrin:

Only thing missing from the second shot is my car in it. awesome man
0ctan3 said:
had a kick-ass time everyone, thanks for the ride dippy & neo!

Hey thanks for posting your pictures Octan! The first and second shots are brilliant! You need to send me the high res ones of these :biggrin:

BTW... How you coping with the "assie" accent?! :wink:

Good to see the Melbourne guys are looking after you...
Hey stranger,

great run and fun was had by all. Thanks for choosing a good spot.

The old fart didn't even fart once... err.. wait a sec that is because he couldn't drop it down a gear :biggrin: :biggrin: :(Tony definetly let some good black ones go, on the freeway)

Ran into Nick at Robert Lane yesterday a a have a few pics you guys might be interested in but i'll post that later.

Thanks OQQO for the great day.
the hirez versions are located here for anyone who wants 'em:

AU_NSX said:
BTW... How you coping with the "assie" accent?! :wink:

well, haven't had too much trouble, though it did take me about a month to figure out what "good on ya, mate" meant!

Everyone asks if I'm from Canada, so as not to offend any canadians by asking if they're from the US! :frown: