Melb boys coming up for a cruise in Jan NSXClubofAust

28 January 2004
Melbourne, Australia
Just to confuse John even more i thought i better post another Aussie thread. LOL

Well to centralise the Sydney plans, put all your thoughts here.

John and Mike the second week of the year would probably be better for me. I think taking the long way up and the fast way back could be the go.

Grant can you organise something and let us know when the best time for you is? Looks like i have to get that ugly car bra out again hey Mikey?
yeah . . . this is gonna be FUN :biggrin:

Grant please organise the cruise going up North, what do you think dippy9 ?
Why dont we meet in Canberra ? if the melbourne guys mind the drive all the way to sydney that is :)

I'd prefer after Jan 18th.

Dippy I think we have to keep these threads under control! 8 active Aussie threads really brings out the post-whore in Neo :biggrin: But yes does make sense to have a thread for our "megacruise"

Looks like I'm in Dippy's camp with regards to the dates. If we could be back in Melb by 17th that would work best for me but it's not a deal-breaker. So long way up, fast way back would also work best for me if we're looking at 2nd week of Jan.

Is the weekend of 13/14 Jan a no-go for you NSXBOX?

Canberra's nice but I have no probs with going to Sydney. I figure there's quite a few Sydney people and only a couple of cars coming from Melb so we might as well do the travelling.
I'm SOOOO tempted to reply my dates on another thread... but nah, i'm not really a p0st-wh0re. :D

I can make time during the first two weeks no problems. After that is problematic (not impossible, but definitely a prob) - that's when people start needing me again.

NSXBOX said:
Why dont we meet in Canberra ?

Coz there's nothing to do in canberra? :rolleyes: :D Except Dippy doing donuts out the front of Parliament. :cool:
Based on availability of Melbourne boys, to me it looks like we:

  • Leave Melb Wed 10th Jan
  • Arrive Sydney sometime on Friday 12th
  • Meet & cruise with the Red Army Sat 13th / Sun 14th

What day on that weekend is best for everyone up in Sydney?

A cruise up north as suggested by NSXsan sounds good to me. Can someone from Sydney (Grant?) organise a meet/cruise for that weekend?
Grant can organise cars to attend but i think it is up to Laski and Nico to organise the drive as they have problems with how low their cars are. My 4WD lol will be OK.

Those dates are Ok with me up to Neo.
Those dates are fine with me. Can I throw one curve ball and suggest we try driving up in one day by leaving early. We'll have multiple drivers to take turns and allows more free time in sydney. Just a suggestion... take it or leave it. :)

I can't believe we're gonna do this! WOOHOOO!!!! :D
actually I've got an email from Grant already regarding the cruise, I'm OK on either the 13th or 14th of JAN, but I think Nico won't be able to make it, I'm trying to ask Thomas (NSXkur) to come hopefully he can make it . . . . . . .
I look forward to seeing everyone next weekend. An email with the details will be sent later today. If you did not get my first email then please email me or PM me and I will let you know the details.
I can't wait for a big group photo :biggrin:
11 NSX's??!?!?!?!? :eek: :eek: :eek: I would have said there's more chance of the HSC being released in 07... but this i want to see. I can't wait. :cool:

<B>laski</B>: you're going to be well behaved on this cruise, right? :wink: Leave the drifting to the experts...... like dippy. :D
<B>laski</B>: you're going to be well behaved on this cruise, right? :wink: Leave the drifting to the experts...... like dippy. :D

YES SIR :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

BTW nice seeing you n Dippy again and looking forward to see ozziejohn too :smile: :smile: :smile: