Meet on this Sunday?

Talk about a lucky bastard, that guy is getting a hell of a deal. Why couldn't you have sold it a few months from now!!! Although your sale has really motivated me to get another nsx. Time to get rid of the s2k and infiniti. BTW, I'll probably stop by your office later on this week, back is starting to act up again.

Hey Alex! You need to get back in the community!

Well, no cash in my hands yet, so technically there's still a chance.
Hey Alex! You need to get back in the community!

Well, no cash in my hands yet, so technically there's still a chance.

Yeah your telling me. I'm dying to get another one after seeing all the deals popping up. I'm shooting for early summer if I can find a job in this economy and get rid of the s2k. Well good luck, hopefully this guy doesn't flake on you.
Dude, Chris I need help maintaining, If You are serious about having a side business detailing, I would be an excellent account:biggrin:
Dude, Chris I need help maintaining, If You are serious about having a side business detailing, I would be an excellent account:biggrin:

Absolutely! We would just need to get together to discuss the details. Give me a call when you can and we can go from there. My number is above.
