Meet on this Sunday?

23 July 2003
Seattle, WA.
Finally see the Sun this morning, looks like it'll be a good Sunday.

Chris called me last night and he's planning to get a lunch gathering or maybe dinner at Arnon's. nsx#75

I as always, won't be available till after 7pm, wondering if anyone's planning to go for dinner.

Korean BBQ, anyone?
Come on dude, I'm sure you can break away for a quick lunch!!

I plan on showing up for at least a few hours.
:biggrin: The plan is to meet for lunch at 12:00 at south center mall, Kevlar jackets welcome - hehe. I figured we'd meet in one of the new parking garages and possibly eat at Joey's. Been there once, nice place and enviroment. But where we eat we can decide when we get there.

Afterwards the plan is to go to Arnons', but I haven't talked to him about dinner, so far it was planned to show him how to polish his car properly. I'm game for having dinner, I just don't know if it will be at Arnons'.

Hope everyone can make it, weather should be fair.
South Center sounds great Chris! I want to stop by Renton Motorcycle before I see you guys. Dinner is bad for me :-( I have someone coming to talk business.
I finally drove my car today to work after 4 weeks of sitting in the felt great!
09 schedule is out, lapday Jan 14th?
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I'll be there for sure... Joeys sounds good to me, I just don't know where it is exactly.

Where are we meeting again? Bahama breeze or what? Noon... got that part.
Joeys' is on the opposite side of the mall. I figure we meet/park in the new parking garage closest to Joeys'. See you guys there at noon!
Yeah, good to see you guys.

I vote for Joeys meet every night of the week and twice on Saturday.

Looks like my '91 is sold. The guy and his wife are flying up on the 20th to drive it back to Cali. :frown:

The Type R hood looks great on the car...just needs to be buffed out a bit (some scratches..Chris, you busy this week? lol)
Yeah, good to see you guys.

I vote for Joeys meet every night of the week and twice on Saturday.

Looks like my '91 is sold. The guy and his wife are flying up on the 20th to drive it back to Cali. :frown:

The Type R hood looks great on the car...just needs to be buffed out a bit (some scratches..Chris, you busy this week? lol)

LOL!! Hehe. I'm sure if I get some free I could stop by. Congrats on the sale, they are getting a GREAT deal. It certainly was good to see everyone again.

+1 on Joeys' haha. I do agree that we should use it as a weekly/monthly place to hang out.

Arnon, thank you and your wife for your hospitality.
Yeah, good to see you guys.

I vote for Joeys meet every night of the week and twice on Saturday.

Looks like my '91 is sold. The guy and his wife are flying up on the 20th to drive it back to Cali. :frown:

The Type R hood looks great on the car...just needs to be buffed out a bit (some scratches..Chris, you busy this week? lol)

Joeys i like :biggrin: :biggrin: Congrats on the sale! Cheap!
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PNW Board Nomination

As many of you are aware we have had a board opening for sometime.

Tonight I plan to cast my vote to nominate Chris to be the PNW NSX Region's Official Detailer. I hope the rest of you will do the same.

He can do all of our cars (and trucks) from now on.

It's an important position with huge responsibilities. It has been a difficult position to fill; because, I think we've all really held-out for just the right person all these years.

But I think I speak for all of us when I say: THE TIME IS NOW
Looks like my '91 is sold. The guy and his wife are flying up on the 20th to drive it back to Cali. :frown:

Noooooooooooo!*&!(%!$ :frown:

Err, I mean, congrats!
Noooooooooooo!*&!(%!$ :frown:

Err, I mean, congrats!

Sorry dude, I would have loved to have sold it to a local guy... no doubt about it!!

I think Chris needs to polish my car before I vote on this for sure. I need to see his work up close.
Sorry dude, I would have loved to have sold it to a local guy... no doubt about it!!

I think Chris needs to polish my car before I vote on this for sure. I need to see his work up close.

:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: Puttin' me to the test are we?! Hehe, to be completely honest, I've been considering to do this as a side business for some time now. Considering that owning an NSX is not only a dream come true, it's also a passion of keeping a beautiful car looking beautiful. Eric, I think you said it yourself when you saw John drive your '91 on Sunday, "How great your car looked". You see that's just it, we only drive our cars, we rarely watch our cars (in motion). The moment we do, :eek::smile::biggrin: is at least my personal emotion, hehe.

In my mind, why not cherish these beautiful "exotic/supercars"? So when we can only see them parked or the usual pedestrian gives us the "thumbs up", I love that we are able to create that moment/memory for ourselves and a fellow observer. Think about it, what originally got us attracted to our cars?

So if anyone would be interested in getting their car(s) ready for summer, give me a call 253-209-2203. I can easily come to your home to give a demonstration, then we can discuss further business at that time.
Sorry dude, I would have loved to have sold it to a local guy... no doubt about it!!
I was over at Zahntech just now and they said your 91 was the nicest NSX they had ever seen... until you got the new one.

My mind started going off on tangents about what if I financed half the car, blah blah blah but all my scenarios end in divorce and an NSX parked in a shared parking garage getting rained on. :wink:
Re: PNW Board Nomination

As many of you are aware we have had a board opening for sometime.

Tonight I plan to cast my vote to nominate Chris to be the PNW NSX Region's Official Detailer. I hope the rest of you will do the same.

He can do all of our cars (and trucks) from now on.

It's an important position with huge responsibilities. It has been a difficult position to fill; because, I think we've all really held-out for just the right person all these years.

But I think I speak for all of us when I say: THE TIME IS NOW

I vote for Chris too :-)
Yeah, good to see you guys.

I vote for Joeys meet every night of the week and twice on Saturday.

Looks like my '91 is sold. The guy and his wife are flying up on the 20th to drive it back to Cali. :frown:

The Type R hood looks great on the car...just needs to be buffed out a bit (some scratches..Chris, you busy this week? lol)

Talk about a lucky bastard, that guy is getting a hell of a deal. Why couldn't you have sold it a few months from now!!! Although your sale has really motivated me to get another nsx. Time to get rid of the s2k and infiniti. BTW, I'll probably stop by your office later on this week, back is starting to act up again.