Amazing pics Paul!
Joe, that pic I took was so lucky but good!
Joe, that pic I took was so lucky but good!
Amazing pics Paul!
Joe, that pic I took was so lucky but good!
Adobe Lightroom - making dirty cars look clean since 2006!
Sorry guys I couldn't made yesterday.. family emergency.. hope you guys had great day
How about mine, Paul? Can you make my paint look new again? C'mon, help a fellow out already.
Didn't make it ---met bunch of guys having funon country roads(the Z06 was a drifting Pro) -----had lunch --took pictures---headed home
Jim, Stephen, and Rich...well done! I wish that work hadn't kept me from attending this, for it looks as if a good time was had by all. I'm looking forward to next year! Perhaps with everyone's input we can put together some drives/meets that result in turnouts like this past weekend (Paul's Lake Geneva trip is a nice way to kick off the driving season).
So you'll laugh. I copied the video over to my HD last night, did a quick preview. I had the GoPro set on upside down. GoPro Software flipping it now.
After much delay, I present the videos.
I am no expert in video editing, so I muddled through the basic stuff (i.e. rotating the video). Upon loading it onto my computer it was over 4 gigs of video, so I had to convert to a lessor quality. 1.5 hours of drive - some of the video not so grand but hope you enjoy.
If not, I apologize. And I'm sorry for keeping you waiting.
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