FYI - The area code for Guildford (which includes Woking) changed from 0483 to 01483 in 1995.
When I lived & worked near there through the 90's the F1 road car and the GP race cars were designed and built in the same locations around Woking - there was a lot of crossover between the companies within the overall McLaren Group. I'm pretty sure that the situation is similar now, but relocated up the road a few miles from the various Albert Drive buildings to the McLaren Technology Centre off Chertsey Road.
The phone number may have been retained by McLaren, but I'm guessing that it now belongs to the occupier of the business park premises in one of the former McLaren buildings off Albert Drive.
Oh, you mean calling McLaren, not the car dealer..... No I didn't try because I don;t think the person who answers the phone will know anything about it.
Bump... wonder if anyone knows someone working at McLaren Internation ( racing team ) during early 90s, or any salesman at the Honda dealership in Woking
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