Matrix Revolutions

2 October 2001
Since I have the username, I may as well start <B>the</B> Matrix thread before we get seven other matrix threads. :D

I couldn't believe Trinity slept with Agent Smith, causing Neo to install Norton Anti-virus which cleaned Smith out of the matrix... totally spoiled the ending... oh... sorry. :p
I went to see Reloaded at the IMAX on Monday night and was late getting there, 2 1/2 hour drive. I waited for the second show which they cancelled due to the theater getting Revolutions ready. The manager was super about the whole thing and refunded my money, let me watch anything else I wanted, and gave me 3 free tickets to Revolutions. I made a second trip up last night to catch reloaded again. I sure hope the powers that be start to show more feature films in the IMAX theaters. I plan to see revolutions ASAP.
I just got home from seeing Revolutions...

I'll be bold and post the first honest opinion --<B>Revolutions sux</B>.

If you're a matrix fan, don't get your hopes up; be prepared to be disappointed.
If you're not a matrix fan, save your money.

Without giving away any spoilers, I think the Wachoski brother's lack of experience in film showed up. Though Matrix 1 was terrific and Reloaded was pretty good, so i don't know what went wrong here. Well, i could say what i thought went wrong, but don't want to spoil it.

I think it might be time to change my username... ;)

Feel free to disagree.
I really, really, really, really, really, really, really believe they should have stopped at the first one. It's the only movie that made sense.

Revolutions had awesome CGI. That's about it.
The first Matrix was born of a very high level of inspiration, and it was a joy to watch. The latter two were not of this level, which was too bad. As much as I applaud the efforts of the Wachowski brothers, the two sequels were created mostly to capitalize on the momentum of the first film, and, in a retrospective effort, to TRY to satisfy the imaginations of rabid Matrix fans. To have been effective, the sequel plot lines should have been conceived in the same, but extended, epiphany that inspired the first film.

Oh well, the CGI graphics were great!
I have to say I enjoyed it, I just got back from the theaters. However, I'm more confused right now than I have ever been in my whole life.

I really don't understand some parts but don't want to spoil it for others.

p.s. anyone care to help me understand these movies?

<B>Autophile</B> : the Wachowski Brothers did write all three movies before the 1st was released -- the sequels were already envisaged.

Personally here's some of what went wrong in my opinion...
<LI>they tried to take on too much... the "end of the world" scope is so huge that it becomes impersonal.
<LI>The character development in the sequels didn't grow deeper as the films progress like they did in the 1st film.
<LI>The dialogue in the sequels grew too philosophical and serious that it often grew into confusion.
<LI>Unlike the 1st film which had an unfolding storyline mixed with action, the action sequences and plot development were segregated. Every time dialogue started, the film's "forward-motion" was put on hold.
<LI>Even the action sequences were driven by pointless or unclear purposes.
<LI>Revolutions has some of the worse cliche's and cheesy moments that I believe the Wachowski brothers lack of experience in film (combined with their refusal to let anyone change the script) also came into play. They needed to look at the plot, the characters and their reactions/feelings/motives from different perspectives.
<LI>No NSX appeared in any of the three films... this was a missed opportunity. :D Even a 2sec appearance would have ensured success - just ask Mr.Wolf! :p

But when it's all said and done, it's just a film.
Thank God we live in the real world where we have NSX's - even if they are bound by the law of physics. :D

I didn't know that the sequels were already conceived before the first film. I guess I felt, for many of the reasons you listed, that they COULDN'T have all been written at the same time. The sequels just seemed so different from the first. Kind of like, the sequels were "from the director who brought you Independence Day".... :D

Oh, and another thing that bugged me was, how can a fist fight with a computer entity have any significance in a dimension/world where bullets and machines can be stopped with the sweep of a hand? Maybe I'm getting bored with the standard Kung-Fu fighting seen in so many movies these days. I'm just a curmudgeon in training....:)

Edit: Oh, I'd have loved if there was an NSX in one of those garage scenes... it would have been so appropriate, really.
ask the questions and i will enlighten thee........(maybe)
as for the was okay. But it felt like i was watching the cut scenes(fmv) to a video game that i couldnt play.
<B>Autophile</B> : just re-read my comments... hope you didn't take my words harshly. But yeah, Wachoswki brothers went to Warner and said "we have a trilogy we want to make" .. and they said "let see how the first film goes." rest is history...or is it the future? :D

I second your thoughts on the kung-fu ... it was a little tiresome in Revolutions. But then it's hard to get any more aggressive than the burly brawl in reloaded, and since they aren't brutal it lacks blood & realism.

i also wondered why Neo & Smith had to fight and why it was significant, but i think the reason is because... (select space below to see text: WARNING SPOILER!!!)

<FONT COLOR="#DEDFDF">This is Pretty cool, eh? ;) Neo carried some code. Architect told him it had to be reinserted into the matrix at the source. So when agent smith copied neo into himself he was copied back into the matrix ... actually, hang on... this doesn't make sense does it... wachowski bro's have to produce a better film than Revolutions if they want my money to go watch it a 2nd time. :D

since i'm meant to be Neo, etc., I'll tell u guys what REALLY happened with the ending: The movie isn't the real ending. ;)

Neo (that's me) travels to the Machine City. Trinity dies, but that's okay because some Single Samuari chicks turn up to console me. Anyway, Neo goes into the machine city and discovers it's actually Honda's NSX/HSC production plant!!! So while i'm taking some photos of the Samuari babes with the NSX's, Agent Smith turns up... he tries to copy an NSX into a clone, which you all know is totally unnatural since NSX's are all handmade. :D Anyway i got upset with him... he started calling me names, so i pushed him. Then it turns into an all-out fight scene. I kill about 100 Agent smiths before Smith tried copying himself with a Samuari chick. Something went wrong though... and the Samuari chick copied over Agent smith. How cool is that!?! That's that's ok... FuryNSX turned up and made a left with a few copies of the samuari chick. [i wonder if anyone will read this far? :rolleyes: ] While Smith was distracted, Neo jumped into an NSX and started to speed off... that was when Neo discovered his purpose! The NSX is <B>The One</B>!!! To finish up this BS quickly, The Samuari babes wiped out Smith by overwriting him... meaning the matrix is now a VERY VERY cool place to be!!!

geez... that's a heaps better ending than Revolutions. what do u guys think? :D </FONT>

And that's that.
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Hey Neo, no sweat bud. All of your points reflected my thoughts exactly about the sequels.


Nice invisible ink there! And you helped to clarify some confusion I had about the fight scene, in your "spoiler." :)
LOL, very nice! And lots more eye candy in your version too. :D
uh, Neo--you should have been a consult on these sequels. Your version is better.

The movies didnt capture the depth of the first one---seemed like the plot could have been developed a lot quicker, or they could have created a better plot. To give credit, it was a pretty bold undertaking though.
huckster said:
uh, Neo--you should have been a consult on these sequels. Your version is better.

LOL... the films weren't THAT bad, were they? :p

I tried telling the wachowski brothers ... but they just didn't listen... they didn't even look at the samuari babes... what more could i do? :p
nah, they werent awful. May be a case where they started something that got your mind working, and then they couldnt live up to the viewers imagination. I know i was imagining where this was all going, and then the movie version was pretty dull in comparison. ohwell--they just were in the wrong matrix. REBOOT!!!
I loved the first and second.. but man.. the third one SUCKED... it was crap.... i dont understand what went wrong... i was sooooo excited to see it.. and then.... wham.. it sucked??
NeoNSX said:
<LI>Revolutions has some of the worse cliche's and cheesy moments that I believe the Wachowski brothers lack of experience in film (combined with their refusal to let anyone change the script) also came into play.
Amen to that.

I just got back from the movie and have to say that was one of the most disappointingly STUPID movies I have ever seen.

I just about lost it when Zee (?) said "Go get it kid." (or whatever stupid phrase she said). I almost walked out of the theater right at that moment.

That movie ranks right down there in disappointment as Return of the Jedi. Massive expectations lead to realizations of sheer stupidity!!!

Sorry, I'm being really harsh.

Have to agree with most posters above, I caught the late show last night, and was expecting to get answers to the questions they posed in the previous 2. I think they danced around the questions but never really answered them.

The cheesy scenes, the overdone CGI with confusing plot line really added up to my disappointment.

The funnies moment of the movie was when an audience member yelled out ..., I will be giving some plot away. I'll wait a few more days before posting.