Master Plumber?

6 September 2002
Northern VA
Do we have any master plumber in the house? or owning/working with a company? I am just curios as to how much I can expect to pay for a typical repipe.

PoohBEAR said:
Do we have any master plumber in the house? or owning/working with a company? I am just curios as to how much I can expect to pay for a typical repipe.

You need to give more info, i.e.: size of house, 1 or 2 story, raised foundation or concrete slab, number of baths so on and so forth. . .
I'm a general contractor and have an in-house plumbing company with a master plumber for us.....See Calvin, if you lived here in beautiful Houston, TX, I could give you the HOOK-UP.
A simple two bath 1600 sq ft home on raised foundation would probably cost about $4500. You could shop that around as there are a lot of folks who do that. The job takes approximately 1 1/2 days. If you are on a slab then you typically have the folks go through the walls which requires a lot of drywall repairs. The job can take approximately 3 days +. There are companies in Orange County that specialize in this activity. Just make sure they use the proper grade copper. Typically they will bring the new copper up to the fixure (sink) and then hook it up. This would be an excellent time to consider a recirculating pump in the system as well as verify your water heater is good. A recirculating pump insures that when you turn the hot water on from any faucet that hot water runs very quickly. They are great especially in larger homes. Also make sure they insulate the copper throughout to save on gas or electric.

Thanks guys....4 slaps leaks in 3 months calls for major overhaul. Is there a show out there for "Pimp my home"? hehehee...Scott, I am a slap 2 stories at 2500sf. There is an article today about adhesive coating. Anyone familiar on that? it claims to have a life up to 75years with a 10year warranty.